Author Topic: Tali's (New) Bio!  (Read 960 times)

Offline TheChillFangirl

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Tali's (New) Bio!
« on: July 08, 2018, 01:10:21 am »

I thought with my return should be a little update on who I've become since I've been here last.

First and foremost, I'm now a junior in high school (rather than an 8th grader (wow it's been a while)), and I'm a percussion section leader in my marching band!  I play a marimba, which is kind of like a xylophone.  I'll be joining the most prestigious concert band my school has to offer this fall.  Music is very important to me, and I love almost all forms of it, marching arts, concert music, pop, rock, and more.  It's always been a part of my life!

I still love the show Sherlock (even though season four was a thing), and I still love Marvel movies (I still can't get over Infinity War omggg).  I've also found and loved Youtubers like Markiplier and Crankgameplays and such.  I even went to a Markiplier tour show, which was amazing!!  I also watch Netflix and other normal teenager things too haha.

My family life has been rough, and I've been dealing with some mental health issues.  While they are the common issues of depression and anxiety, it's still been rough.  Even though my family hasn't been totally supportive, I'm still fighting my way through it, and I think I'm doing pretty well right now!  If any of you need to talk about anything, feel free to talk to me!  My DMs are always open :)

Recently, I've found the furry fandom, which I suppose is another reason as to why I came back.  When I was on here before, I had no clue what a furry was, nor did I realize that I kinda was one.  I just liked the idea of roleplaying as animals.  Now that I've found the fandom, it's really made me realize that I've been a furry for a while, but just didn't realize it.  I think it's pretty awesome, honestly lol.

I think that's pretty much it for me right now!  I might modify this if I forgot something haha.  I'm always open to talking to people, so don't be afraid to shoot me a message!  I might not be able to reply right away, but I will definitely reply, don't worry!

Have a wonderful day!

I'm fubbernucked.


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Re: Tali's (New) Bio!
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2018, 02:48:23 am »
What a wonderful bio! Welcome back after so long, things have changed huh?
So glad to hear that you're involved with music and doing what you love, depression is a pain and it's good to see you have a hobby to go to! :)
I also wish the best for Markiplier and his family, what they are going through right now is rough.
Ah yes, good ol furries. They get a bad rap but we still love them. I know at one point in my life I wanted a fursuit but I was also about to graduate high school and my mom talked me out of it...still want one though.