Author Topic: .:Dragons Of Eden Silva:.  (Read 662 times)

Offline FlareWolf15

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.:Dragons Of Eden Silva:.
« on: January 12, 2019, 08:10:56 pm »
                                            Dragons of Eden Silva is a Open, Friendly group that's very welcoming~
                                                          There isn't any real lore yet, we just go with the RP and see were it goes~
                                                  So, What is Dragons of Eden Silva and how do you join?
                           DOES is a welcoming group that accepts people for who they are. Instead of conflict, we try to embrace               
                                                                                         our differences~

                                                        now onto some other questions you may have~
Are you mapped?: Yes!, Actually we are dual mapped. Meaning we share two maps for the rp, Eden is our ceremony and event map. Apprentices that shown to be worthy of higher ranks go there to have their apprentice ceremony we're they get their warrior name and rank they trained for. Otium Silva is the main map where the group meets,the camp is hidden under a mountain while the shaman den is actually not in the main camp but under a river.

Are you sited+Discorded?:Yes,we are both sited and discorded,but the site hasn't really been touched or used a whole lot,most of our activity is on our discord.

Are you ranked/Tagged?:Yes! Our ranks can be viewed upon our Discord server.

Is Discord needed to join?: Not necessarily, but since i announce everything on there,it'd be recommended to join the discord to keep up with everything.

What Dragon species do you allow?: Any Kind! winged or not,magical or not. We accept all kinds and variations of dragons.

 Do you require a role play sample before getting an invite?: Not really, on FH on my movie clip i would put RPSR but i really don't actually mean it, i do it to see what your role play style is, we are Semi-Lit and we understand that there are new comers of role playing and rusty elders like myself so we try to make the style even for everyone! ^^
Who is currently leading DOES?: Me! ^^ along with the founding members of our group that being Cyalume and Swifty (if either you two are reading this HIIIII)

If you are interested in joining my group or got any questions, please don't hesitate to PM me on discord,I'm rarely active on the forum so that's why i say on discord, if you find me running around on FH look for the name FlareWolf15 that'll be me ^^ and my discord is @Glass_Soul#0921 You may also immediately join the group's discord