Author Topic: Before We Fall - A Warrior Cats Roleplay!  (Read 675 times)


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Before We Fall - A Warrior Cats Roleplay!
« on: May 07, 2019, 02:07:44 am »
Years after Firestar's legacy, the Clans have been living in peace. There's been the occasional border dispute, hunting issues, and battles. However, for the most part, the Clans have lived in harmony. Until now.

A group of large rogues have been forming for the past few years, but have remained low. They show up at one of the gatherings, declaring that they be seen as a new Clan, and given proper territory space. The Clans don't know what to do, and StarClan hasn't given any hints. A few moons later, at another gathering, the same band of rogues declare blood *will* be shed unless their demands are met. How do you play into this? Are you a warrior defending what's known? Are you a leader trying to help your clan survive? Or are you a rogue wanting a change?

Find out in Before We Fall.


BWF is a literate (RPSR), plotted, mapped, Discorded (required), NEW, and active roleplay! We are currently in search of staff members, but members are being accepted! If you join now, you will be a pre-opening member. If you are interested, find us in-game, PM one of the admins on Discord (Runningstar: Airo#8553 ; Doeheart: BorealisSkies#9463), or simply join the Discord and fill out an application using this link:

We hope to see you there!~
« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 11:37:43 pm by BeforeWeFall »