Author Topic: Akavariat's Biography  (Read 1448 times)

Offline Akavariat

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Akavariat's Biography
« on: July 17, 2019, 01:27:58 am »
Hello there, peeps!

First and foremost, I must say that I'm not particularly good at introducing myself. It's something I always have issues with. As such, this topic may be a bit... lackluster. But, hopefully it'll still be informative. So, let's begin.

My history with Feral Heart

I originally joined the game in early 2011 with a different account. I was immediately intrigued by it and stuck around, playing pretty much everyday, for 2 years. There were a lot of adventures during that time, and it constituted my first real experience with roleplaying. It seemed as if I had a new idea everyday, and, soon enough, I had way too many characters, most of which were barely used. Eventually, however, I had to move on from the game and left, only checking up on it about a week ago. Going back into it was definitely an experience - everything was different and there was new stuff everywhere. I'm still adapting to the changes, in fact.

About the real me

I'm a 20 year old guy from Brazil whose interests are, mainly, listening to music, messing around with Mathematics, coding and playing games. People often describe me as focused and being very determined. I'm a Computer Science student and overall computer guy who has a knack for tackling difficult problems, and who wishes to become an Artificial Intelligence researcher, hopefully contributing to a better world and scientific advancements along the way. So, yeah, I'm a pretty big nerd.

Well, this is pretty much it, I think. Not as exciting as I thought it'd be, but, hopefully it's still enough. Cheers!

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Re: Akavariat's Biography
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2019, 08:15:39 am »
Short and simple... Your bio looks just fine to me!

Welcome back to FeralHeart Aka! When I first joined back in 2015, I tried so hard to not create so many random characters. ...I failed miserably xD I wish you the best of luck with your studies! Buckle down, keep going and never stop. I have a friend who's majoring in Computer Science, so that's pretty neat to hear you're studying that as well. Thank you for sharing more about yourself! Also, nerds are awesome.

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Thank you ;u;
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