Author Topic: The Games Future, and How We Can Secure it!  (Read 1227 times)

Offline Dubsie

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The Games Future, and How We Can Secure it!
« on: September 21, 2019, 07:53:02 pm »
Alright, I know alot of people have been talking about the games "death", like its going to happen and NOTHING can be done to fix this. when, to be quite honest. it can be fixed. and its easier than most of you probably think...
Now, Do keep in mind, When I say this. Im being serious. Thank god I have a Forums account now and I can post it here, instead of trying to reach out on DA.

Alright, So... Drama, Yes it has been going on in this game, on the forums. everywhere... Now, We know it existed, we know its being worked on. but we shouldnt linger on the fact that it HAPPENED. Yes. It happened, Yes.. It was not the best but- Stuff happens, And we need to move on, we need to figure out how to fix it and just- move on.. focusing on that one thing is whats causing the community to crumble, they are getting absorbed in the drama and getting annoyed, or just flat out- not wanting to be involved. They dont want constant hellfire in a game, They want a community and staffteam that communicates with its playerbase, Is it possible that, THAT. Can happen with this game? yes! Actually very much is,

Make/Use the official FeralHeart Twitter and host polls,
(EX. "Who wants a new map?" or "Who wants the Maps redone?" or even- "Should we open Staff applications?"
Staff Applications... hmm, Yeah, Sounds fishy with what has happened recently but it could help bring in people that want to aid this games future, Because ngl. People bringing their friends onto a staff team can affect how well the staff work together, and can cause possibly more drama. watch them at the start. keep an eye on them, maybe make them a "Watcher" rank, where they have next to no abilities (nothing that can affect the game's life, 10m mutes at most for ingame), over time (a few months) and alot of communication, figure out if they are really good for the game. then well- add them as a minimod, then a mod. you get the idea! If you do that, You can find and teach people how to be a proper staff member, and get rid of the issues of a newer staff members doing something wrong, yknow?

Making polls, even if they are small. keeps the community active, they want to make choices for the game! Make a difference! doing so can bring ideas in for the staff to work on.
"Who wants (specific emote) to be made?" or "Which emote do you guys want?" That can make people extremely excited! and can bring ideas and small updates to the game, maybe 1 update a month that adds maybe 1-2 emotes, and maybe a in-game addon for an item? like a community voted item to be just- there when you download the game! You can even vote on events, and official Roleplays that can be hosted! maybe off of that- can add lore to the areas? nothing large, Just like- The grounds exists because xyz, the tunnels were made because of the battle of xyz and xyz, and thats how they got to the newly found areas. hide easter eggs so people want to go hunt for them! even small little note-items that you click that pulls up a menu with a little bit of text that says like- "Note 002: Me and ____ just escaped... the battles of ___ were extremely difficult, I dont know where everyone else is but- i think i will be in here for awhile..." and around said note can have maybe a satchel or a backpack, relics from the past. having just LITTLE bits of lore and eastereggs can make people want to make theories, and will bring up more RP ideas!

Alright, So we have an idea on future staff, and how to keep the community active. we have an idea on how to keep new players coming in, now what? well, how do we implement these new ideas to the game? where do we even start??

Make a Twitter, oddly enough. make an official Twitter. Make a forums post saying "heres our official twitter, here you can vote on ideas for the game!"
Make a post on there of a few polls, or even just status updates of the game, what are the plans? Vote on the ideas of the game, like- "Do you want us to add a different animal?"
(I KNOW IT SOUNDS WEIRD BUT- Adding maybe even something small overtime, like in the FAR future. like- maybe like a Ferret, or a small forest creature. would be pretty cool, You would just have to modify the wolf and feline bodies, and change things very slightly to get it to look like a ferret or squirrel, could add excitement for the players to know theres a new playable coming to the game!)
Work out how you want to re-setup the staff team if you want to do so, My personal idea on it is, putting it as "Watcher, Minimod, Forums Mod/Server Mod, And then Game Dev, Model-Maker, Map Maker, Bug Fixer, Programmer"
Why have the end bits? well, From what i know.. Raz is the only person that does this stuff, and from what im seeing hes stressed about doing it all alone. if im wrong on this then- whoops but, I think maybe having seperate people to also work on the game at the same time would be the best idea, but having Raz himself inspect everything before adding it. who to trust with those ranks? well, probably people raz actually really does put 100% trust into, would be the best bet i would assume!

Alright, so now we have the games staff fixed, the community happy with communication. More things for players to do, and a setup for a safe continuation for the game.. now, How in the world is this going to help the games growth? keep it alive? well, Seeing the game then will have socialmedia accounts. and seeing the communication. players will want to return, it shows effort is being put into the game, Now. How do we bring everybody back? get new players? well, If the game gets to maybe 200-300 players on again, maybe slowly start sending out youtube ads, maybe once a month send out for one day a singular youtube ad that says "We're back! come check out the OFFICIAL remake of ImpressiveTitle, FeralHeart! better than it has ever been before! Come join now at (URL)! Cant wait to see you in the Feral Lands!" I believe youtube ads are like- 200$ for a large ad per day, and if lets say- 20% of people click on the ad, and they join. constantly the games growth could go from 200-300 on a day, to 1000 a day. That pulls money in from the ads on the site, and also makes the community become strong again. with slight ads make a youtube channel to show trailers of the games development, how you guys do some models, Showing sneak-peaks on updates. events. ect! This game doesnt have an impossible future, It needs work. it needs to know how to get out of the rutt its in, And i want to help if i even can... Im going to be trying my best to put ideas in the forums and try to aid as much as i can with step-by-step ways to do this, Well. Thats my small idea, I want to hear what you guys think of it, and how if it sounds incorrect or not proper for this game. tell me! maybe we can banter and find ways that can work for it!  ;D ;D ;D