Author Topic: Searching for a proper map making guide.  (Read 2195 times)


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Searching for a proper map making guide.
« on: June 12, 2011, 10:04:17 pm »
I have been up and down the internet, and I just cannot seem to find a good solid map making guide. I've searched on youtube, I've searched dA, but I cannot find anything to answer my questions. Which, of course, follow.

1- How do I make an accessible gate? Since the computer I have that has art programs on it is currently in the shop, I've just been working with the basic flat piece of land. However, there still has to be a way to change the location of the zone out gate so I can actually get my characters back and forth between the custom map and the Cape.

2- Water. I've tried to make small ponds out of rocks and the water squares, but whenever I try to test the map in game, it doesn't show up. Does the water squares actually work or do I have to have a general water-level set? In addition, how do I make water falls?

3- Is there a way to prevent falling through invisible walls, or is that just careful rock placement? I have a pile of rocks leading up the side of the den in my map and it's getting quite irritating slipping down through them so often.

4- What are the files you need to export with? I have read and re-read that exporting "how to" and I can't find the .fhz file or whatever it is.

Please help, I really could use it. I've got the most recent update and I'm working on an Asus Netbook {Which can somehow manage to run FH if it's the only program I have running.} if that makes any difference. I know someone has to have a good, full tutorial on how to make a map.

And for the record, I know how to make a height map and terrain mask. Those are remarkably simple concepts, to be honest. Thank you for reading this, you can either message me here or email me at Locksmith1332 (at) aim (dot) com {Please include "from FeralHeart" in the subject line.}

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Re: Searching for a proper map making guide.
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2011, 10:24:28 pm »
1. You check off 'Has Portal' and enter X, Y, Z, and a yaw coordinate. In map maker, place your arrow on the ground in the map where you want your portal, and an X Y Z and yaw coordinate will show up, respectively. Yaw changes when you rotate the camera.

2. Water squares should work. They work best when you put them in, say, a hole in the land after you've the the heightmap. And you can get waterfalls by going into object maker and typing in the mesh tab 'waterfall1.mesh' then click add new and saving.

3. Nope, this is unfortunately a glitch yet to be fixed :C

4. I just recently finally updated the how to export custom maps thread. It is updated, there is no longer anything to do with '.fhz' files.

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Re: Searching for a proper map making guide.
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 02:05:01 am »
I tried adding the portal and while it worked to have my character appear there, the portal was still off the edge of the map and I couldn't get to it. I will try again with a different point, and get screenshots if it doesn't work.

Yes, I now can see the portal. I don't know what was up before, must have been a glitch. Thank you very much for your help!
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 02:29:12 am by Locksmith »

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Re: Searching for a proper map making guide.
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2011, 03:50:30 am »
Glad I could help!

Signature Art by Bawfle, Icon Art by Edolicious