Author Topic: Stupid things I did as a little kid.  (Read 1063 times)

Offline Sunpaw

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Stupid things I did as a little kid.
« on: October 01, 2011, 10:42:50 pm »
Before I begin listing all the incredibly dumb things I did as a derpy little child, I will warn you that this is random and I was bored and have nothing better to do at the moment so....

1. I tried to catch guppies in a fish tank using a plastic cup and my bare hands. (I was grounded. :3)
2. I chased a cat while on my hands and knees, then knocked over a table that was leaning against the wall and it fell on my back and I cried like a baby.
3. I rode my dog like a pony.
4. I found a lizard and put it in a container and stuck it in one of those plastic pretend microwaves that come in those little kitchen play-sets.
5. I waved my hand back and forth over a pythons head.
6. I licked a rock
7. I poured toilet water on the cat
8. I stuck something pointy into an outlet.
9. I chased a ground squirrel and tripped.
10. I sat for an hour by the glass door waiting for a leopard to walk past it because someone said they had a pet leopard that would walk past my house and I wanted to see the leopard.
11. I thought my closet door handle was a snake.
12. I ate baby powder.
13. I poured an entire bottle of baby powder all over my room.
14. I was told that if I told my Aunt that my friend had the magical key to the gate of some place where Martin Luther King lived that my Aunt would forget how to do things and I believed this person. (I was a real stupid child.)
15. I thought that I was half lizard and half snow leopard.
16. I was told that my friend was a demon who was cursed by her witch mother who was trying to turn her into a rabbit, but instead put a curse on her that would make her come to my house and kill me and I believed it. (Note: I was only 8 at the time, and I have the most over active imagination ever.)
17. I thought Pikachu was a chihuahua.
18. I named a stuffed animal "Boulder."
19. I ate a leaf.
20. I spelled "COW" And screamed in protest at my mother who said "Look she spelled cow!" when really I thought I had spelled out Crayola. I was thinking about Crayola brand crayons. Crayons smell good.
21. While in a store grocery shopping I asked my grandmother "Why do cows have horns?" and she said "To protect themselves from wolves." and then I asked "How do the wolves protect themselves then!?" and she just stared at me.
22. I attempted to jump into a bouncy house, but missed and fell on the ground and scraped my elbow.
23. I poked a dog's head with a flower and it bit me.
24. I thought that when alligators attacked zebras and stuff at watering holes that they were just trying to be friendly and help them across the river.....
25. I thought pandas lived in Africa.

Well, that's it that I can think of. All the really,really,really dumb things I did/thought/said as a little kid. (I was only like eight and younger, so yeah...) If you want to go ahead and post a list of all the things you did and said that you thought was pretty dumb as a little kid then go ahead. :P
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