Author Topic: Dallas  (Read 1032 times)

Offline Sashastriker

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« on: June 22, 2011, 11:38:37 pm »

They say you can't always blame someone for everything they do, right? Well, in Dallas's case, that serves true. When he was young, his parents were always fighting. His father was abusive to his mother an him, and Dallas had a natural fear of his father. His mother tried his best to help Dallas, but one time, she made a fatal mistake. She had told Dallas to run away several times, and this time, he was planning to do it. He was older by now, no longer a helpless cub, but not strong enough to take on his father, so he listened to his mother's advice and planned to run away. Little did either of them know, Dallas's father had over heard and plotted to kill Dallas. When Dallas's day come to run away, he did, but he didn't get far. His father found him before he had a chance to even escape the territory. His father violently mauled him, but was careful not killl him, he wanted him to suffer as much as he had 'thought' he had as a cub. At one of his pauses between his beatings, someon unexpected showed up. It was his mother. She had come to help him, but she feared it was too late when she saw Dallas laying motionless beside his father's blood soaked paws. Outraged, she lashed out at him, her rage giving her strength. Dallas, overhearing at fight that wasn't between him and his fahter, lifted his head and saw the terrible scene. His mother had noticed and been distracted by seeing her cub alive. That moment's hesitation gave Dallas's father a chance to pin his mother to the ground. Dallas, too sore to help, stared on in shock at what he seeing. His mother struggled out a choking gasp and told him to run. For a split second he hesitated, then realized what his mother's logic was to running, after his fahter had taken care of his mother, he would ghead straight for him! Scrambling to his paws he shakily started to run. he could hear his father spitting out words to him, but they were muffled by the fear that surged through him, and his mother's desperate cries. Almost out of earshot, Dallas heard a noise that broke his thoughts, it was an ear splitting yowl of pain and defeat, and it was unmistakabily female. It had to be his mother, and Dallas stopped dead in his tracks. He whilred his head around as tears fillied his eyes. He knew what had happned becasue after the yowl, no other sound came, except the beating of his own heart, which he felt would stop knowing his mother had been killed. He bowed his head for a second, saying a prayer, then lifted his head again and ran. A trail of tears follwed him, becasue after that he knew, his life would never be the same. His mother had died for him just so he could escape his father's rage, and now, where was he even going? He found his paws led him to a place known as 'Bonfire Island' as the loacls called it. Everyone stared at him. His fur was mangy and his cuts were deep gashes. He walked around nervously, knowing everyone could see the fear in his eyes. He'd have to get over these glances though, this was to be his new hom. After a while he made some friends adn they showed 4 other places in this 'escape' as Dallas referred to it as. AS he grew older he went from pride to pride, not sure of which one woudl actually except him for who he was. Now, he isn't the scared little cub he used to be, and he developed a slight attidue around other becasue he was unaware of who to trust. Since then and now, he's fully grown and he now wanders the place known as 'Feral Heart' insearch of another's days mystery.