Author Topic: Selkats, the mysterious Sea Beasts  (Read 1742 times)

Offline Arlene

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Selkats, the mysterious Sea Beasts
« on: October 19, 2011, 05:41:43 pm »
Selkats are an incredibly odd species. The possess neither gender and produce a single cub once every ten years, living up to 60 years and growing for half of that time.

Their bodies seem feline(if rather long), with heavy muzzles, however their legs are short and feet webbed, and they possess a tail more like that of an otter or water dragon. They lack any obvious fur, though it is there: the fur is simply so short that it does little to hide the slender, long body of the creature. Most have faint dappling markings on the top of their bodies, and a lighter undercoat than their topcoat. Colors range the entire spectrum of blues and greens, however they are usually muted and soft if not entirely gray. The end result is that a Selkat is nearly invisible when seen in water unless seen from the side.

Selkats possess insect like eyes made up of many facets, and thus seem to have solidly colored orbs in place of normal eyes. They are solitary creatures by nature, though they will get together to play and a cub rarely leaves its parent before it is time for a new cub to be born, with cubs on rare occasions staying with their parent for an additional 10 years till the next cub is ready to leave.

Selkats have retractable claws, long teeth, a palate like a crocodile that allows them to bite and eat in the water more easily, and the ability to stay in water nearly all their lives or walk on land. They can hold their breath for nearly a half hour to chase fish, their favored food. other than this, they possess no other interesting abilities.

To make a Selkat:

-Dragon or any other backwards pointing sharp pointed ear
-Markings like Butterfly or Splash(back only) on body, Butterfly or other back of tail only markings on tail, Butterfly, Chimera 1, or practically any other face marking.
-No mane. Selkets are smooth.
-Subdued green-blue coloration(or grayscale), with the belly being lighter and the back darker, with markings similar in shade to the back, but slightly lighter or darker.
-Thick tail
-Glow Orb eyes, any shade
-Any shade around the eyes
-any size, but Length and Width should both be greater than Height.

Feel free to post here if you've decided to make one, I'll probably be making a map for them soon if I can get blender to work.