Author Topic: MOLLIES ART!!! Rate??  (Read 1449 times)


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« on: September 22, 2011, 07:56:40 pm »

We had a free day in Journalism class today so I drew this and it carried through out the whole day. The overall time was about 3 hours I'd say. Done completely free hand and in fine point sharpie.

I know, it's probably extremely hard to decipher what it is so let me explain. It's a demon/dragon with a mask made of feathers. He is wearing huge feathered shoulder guards and other various armors. He has long hair and low set horns(which I did by mistake but couldnt fix pfft) He also has a horn on his chin. He has a humanoid figure and this picture is a close up so you can only see his chest and up.

I'm going to be coloring it later so I hope that'll make it more clear. Anyway, for now enjoy! :) oh and RATE??