Author Topic: Feral Heart Crashing while trying to connect to server [FIXED]  (Read 1974 times)

Offline Canis Horrificus

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This just started today, and I havn't messed with the files or anything, so I don't think it was something I did. I just hope it's something that could be easily fixed.  

I can log in fine, but when I click my charrie to connect to the map server  'FeralHeart.exe has stopped working'. I get that sometimes when I start FH up, but thats my display driver failing. So I'm not sure what this is. I get it no matter where the charrie is.  Any help? o3o

EDIT: Lol it just occured to me that I hadn't tried restarting my computer. Guess what? It worked ... :'D
« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 09:56:54 pm by Canis Horrificus »