Author Topic: Join Blood Wolves Role Play Group CREATE YOUR OWN CHARACTER OR BE A CHARACTER!  (Read 1361 times)

Offline CourtNala

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Do you want to join a new group on feralheart where you can make YOUR OWN CHARACTER and with a scripter who takes SUGGESTIONS?
 Well you've come to the right place. Blood Wolves has many roles open for people to try. You can even go on trial. We just need you to sign up! Here are a few things you should know. I am not advertising for my self, but for the lovely and talented tigeres! tigeres is the site owner and the role of Katinara. I have been asked to advertise our group while she is working on the map for the group. Currently we have under ten members. But hopefully that will change soon! The link that I will give you sends you straight to the overall script of the story. Please be sure to read that before you sign up. Now as I mentioned before, we have no map yet, but we will in a month's time. All we will need is your patience. Till then, all members can participate in sending me suggestions for the Roleplaying script. I am the role of Kaiko, a daughter of Kainara the alpha who is taken by an evil wolf named Tendeci. Later as a teen she returns to the pack and is determined to get revenge on Tendeci. When you sign up, please tell Katinara that you saw my advertisment. If three of you join, she will appoint me administrator of the website. Here are the open roles:

       Tulip(Mother of Jake and Alexis  mate of Toby)-
  Felix(Father of Serafina and Kenkayio mate of Jenifer)-
Keyla Teen(daughter of Katinara)-                                                                                     Reysani( wife of  Tendecil )-                                            
Tendecil(Bad guy)-                                                                                                          Tatiana(daughter of Tendecil)-
Jenifer(Katinara's best  female friend)-                                                                                 Kevin(son of Tendecil)-                                  
Toby(Katinara's best male friend)-                                                                     Chesinal(Best male friend of Tendecil)-
Kenkayio teen(Keyla's Boyfriend and Jenifer's son)-                                        Kemiko(Best female friend of  Reysani)-                
Jake teen(Kaiko's Boyfriend and Toby's son)-                                       Tayla(daughter of Kemiko and is tatiana's bff)-
Serafina(Kaiko's best friend and daughter of Jenifer)-                               Troyell(son of Chesinal and is kevin's bff)-
Alexis(Keyla's best friend and daughter of Toby)-                                               CAN YOU THINK OF MORE MAKE SOME UP    

      Another thing. If you don't like any of these characters, then you can make up your own! Isn't that awsome? Also if all the roles are taken by the time you sign up, you can just make up your own. There is nothing better then that!

Does any one else think of the lion king every time someone says "You deliberately disobeyed me!"