Author Topic: General and Advertising  (Read 2157 times)


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General and Advertising
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:13:25 am »
So tonight. Someone over general pointed out how General is used for "Stupid" conversations that quickly erases roleplay advertisements. And seeing as it is such a problem. I think that a advertisement tab should be added to the chat tabs. :/ That way We can still carry on our general conversations without interrupting advertisements for roleplays. Yay or Nay? 

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Re: General and Advertising
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 04:39:26 am »
This is actually a big subject here on the boards, and even though I personally don't want it to. I bet this thread will blow out completely the longer it will stay open starting a major arguement.

So I better speak out right away and cover as much as I can of this subject.

I personally think we all should respect eachother on this one. Just as we should share the game maps we need to be able to share the chats in a good way as well..

There's been some talk about the use of chats before, but there's no extremely good solution for this, however if I should state my true opinion, the general chat is in fact abused right now, and has been for quite some while. Sorry if it seems I'm trailing off slightly now, but it's still a part of this.

There's 5 chats in the game right now.

General is the one and only chat that goes out to the whole map inside the game. No other chat does this, hence making it the one that needs the most care, especially like in a place like flourite.

What I really don't understand is why people must talk loads of bullcrap in general chat. I don't mind the chatting. FH is a plain game with not too much to do. But general chat is abused most of the time unless the hours of the day when a very low amount is online.

I have mentioned this before.

Someone is hosting a RP for warrior cats or something similar, using general chat would help them let the rest of the players know there's a roleplay starting, and they will be able to join. Maybe a player is having troubles with the game, or need any other assistance with it, why not use the general chat and ask for aid?

This makes General a great tool.

Now lets turn around the picture.

Someone is talking about how they shot someones head off with a shotgun inside the game, or how they peed on someones face, this followed by 4 rows of different faces/smilies made by other users. Does people really need to see/hear this?

No they do not!

The sad thing is that 50% of the time, the conversations inside general is made out completely of random spam/rape/sex/curses/extreme powerplay or something completely non game related that people doesn't/shouldn't need to see.

People do it, and they do it a lot.

I do believe people need to calm down and not only respect the regular rules that goes out to the chats in the game such as cursing, but also calm down with the usage of it and post PROPER conversations that actually means something. The majority doesn't really care if someone saw a JB character or if they're eating cheetoos. It's also the random spazz attacks inside the general chats that gives the whole game this inappropriate touch. We are infact playing a game for everyone.

There's plenty of chats to go around, yet some people need to talk crap on the only chat that goes out to everyone. As mentioned before, I don't mind talking, but most do NOT talk in general chat when it's at worst. More like, "who is the best on grabbing everyones attention" and they do this with language, or subjects that doesn't belong there. It even makes the game a hell for some.

I've seen this far too much since the launch of FH, and it is a problem, but it's not something easy to fix. People even have told out loud in that the spazz in general chat is the only reason why they log on. They don't even play the game.

People shouldn't need to turn off General chat just because people post random things in general. If we should be fair here, people having random convos should turn off General chat and use party if they don't like the adds. LOOK CLOSELY, you can't say that your bad "your mom jokes" or that you stabbed someone in the stomach is as important as a serious rp add, no way! You just can't!

Sometimes it has even happened I've seen people telling others to stop posting adds in "their chat". It's ridiculous.

Due to how the game is made, the map layout and the amount of people, it's something that's hard to do something about in a good way.

Thing is we play this game together, and we need to be able to share it. Talking in general? It's fine, but do people really talk? no...

There's probably so much more to mention about this. But I don't really buy any of that "Oh lets use it as chat too :D!" Cause in the end, it's not even chatting that you have to see.

We have plenty of chats in the game, I'm not sure getting another one would solve the issue, but having tabs would at least separate the chats so you'd only have 1 each time, just like IT, and that is in fact a wonderful idea if you ask me. Get tabs now to avoid the extreme flood of text in one window.

But then I still wouldn't say chatting in general should be allowed as it sometimes can be seen now, cause from what you wrote it seemed "Get another tab for adds so we can use general for our convos", and I think general should stay general.

Talking is another thing though. And I'm well aware that it's just not that easy to just say "Hey! Stop having fun in general!" But it can get out of hand.

Hope this explains my thought well enough so I wont need to do it again.

Yay, Lots of text!

Since I already wrote a lot about this, I thought I'd bring another thing that I had on my mind for a long time. One of the reasons why the general chat in flourite gets flooded so much is because it's the biggest map inside the game linking everything together. It's the place everyone has to go. Personally I'd like to see it go away, replace it with 2 smaller maps, or place it further away not having all the portals in it. Though this is something that will never happen. As I wrote above somewhere, map layouts..

Down here is a pic from the chat around 6 am GMT, it's when people start leaving the server instead, and it just changes from a complete spazz chat to a calm and useful chat.

Note that I do not in any way try to go all in saying that everyone that chats in general is stupid or similar and should just stop talking. But I'm trying to explain as good as possible why I think the way I do.

The other times I tried to explain this it just seemed like people just either skipped reading the post or just ignored what's been said, and that does annoy me if anything.

To add again, getting tabs for the chats would be a really good start, and even though it wouldn't solve em all, it would be more clear that there's different chat modes.

Now I thank you greatly whoever read this whole thing through and actually gave it a thought or two. Not everyone would do it.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 05:59:13 am by Red »
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Re: General and Advertising
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 05:58:24 am »
Ah, somehow I knew this topic would come up on the forum. I agree with everything you just said, Red. Most of the time I just turn general off, especially at times when the server is really full and people are chatting about useless things, like having "parties" on general chat. Isn't that what PARTY chat is for? So what if it glitches sometimes? Who cares? People can turn party chat off if they don't like it. You wanna go "drink" some pixel vodka, then go right ahead and do it, IN PARTY CHAT.

This problem won't go away easily. The times when people say "general died" are the times when it's being used for its purpose, advertising, asking for help, looking for a friend. I agree with the tabs thing, and I agree with adding one just for ads, and one just for the useless chat that goes on. Personally, I like Fluorite. It's the place I'm usually hanging out with, because it has so many people in it. I make my friends there, I find roleplays there, I hang out there when I'm bored. I don't think it should be taken away and replaced by smaller maps. Rather, I think there should be a few more mods/admins who simply sit and do their job, moderate. (Now I'm not saying mods don't have lives and can sit there all day, but if we had more it would make it alot easier.) If Kov won't make tabs or fix the issues with general chat, the mods certainly can do something about it with an organized plan. Example; warning users who use general chat for things it isn't intended for. They get two warnings via whisper, and then get banned for a few hours if they don't stop. Just a suggestion.

My point: If Kov won't fix the problems with his game, someone else will have to.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 06:01:31 am by wolffox »

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Re: General and Advertising
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 06:16:24 am »
I get what you mean there, but more mods wouldn't necessarily solve this problem since it's also up to the community if they want to change it, if the majority want to talk about farts in general chat, then the majority has spoken.

I don't know how many mods there are, but I know this,

a. People Spam their butts off as soon as they see one talk/warn people.
b. If mods do not warn users, they always comes back whining about it, even though it's sometimes clear they did wrong.

Mods shouldn't NEED to show themselves 24/7 and tell/show people what to do.

Ever noticed how situations always gets worse or more flooded as soon as a mod shows? The mod amount isn't really the problem in my eyes even though more mods wouldn't hurt anyone. It's not what should be in the focus.

We can't make this a situation where we blame the stadium we play the soccer matches in when we lose cause we have a team of drunks playing the ball.

Neither can we blame it on the amount referees in the game when everyone playing still should follow the ingame rules.

Sorry for the expression but it's just a way to put it.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 06:18:38 am by Red »
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Re: General and Advertising
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2011, 06:27:19 am »
Nah, I understand. The entire community needs to learn how to act if we want this game to shape up. Nonetheless, more mods (that are active and in different time zones) wouldn't hurt, as you've stated.

And yes, I have definitely noticed the "MOD!11! I LOVE YOU MOD!1! AHHHH!!!!1! MOD ANSWER MY QUESTION MOD MOD MOD!!!1!" when a mod speaks in the "scary red text". That DOES make the situation worse, in most cases... but if several mods were online at a time and had a group or some other way to communicate, they could collaborate and whisper each person who was causing trouble and warn them to stop before banning/kicking. As I've said before, just a suggestion. I understand this would be alot to ask from our mods and admins, considering you guys already do enough. But it would help until Kov himself can be a good "coach" and clean up his "stadium".
...Whenever that happens.

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Re: General and Advertising
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2011, 06:30:32 am »
Just as a reminder.

Mods identities are meant to stay hidden, even between eachother, so why should everyone go and show they're mods and have a private chat? 2nd, how would they whisper a user if as mentioned in other threads before, they aren't able to whisper as a mod? Sending a regular whisper is a no.

I think some people do forget that mods identities are meant to stay hidden!

Personally I don't think kov should need to take care of the game completely either, but yes, he should infact give the tools so other people will be able to do it properly.

Chats in the game does get out of hand though, and even though it needs tools, or more mods it's defiantly the community itself that plays a role if they want to have a calm and welcoming one or not.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 06:35:58 am by Red »
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Re: General and Advertising
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2011, 06:33:54 am »
ive many times gotten so annoyed by people spamming in general whenever a mod comes up, when there is no caps around it i go in caps and tell them to leave the mod alone, i mean, COME ON, give the mod's some space here! on the game if i see a mod ill say hi when im running by them, but i don't crowd them. other times in spamming, i just flee to my warrior cat in my two-clans map that i haven't advertised for yet, i also flee to one of my other maps i have a friend gave me. i TRY to help out in general and such, but at times when good rpers are there the general people scare them off or get them so annoyed to where they leave and here i am advertising for a warrior cat rp and it gets flooded out with people all of a sudden posting periods. it seems like im unliked in the game as well consitering any power players i encounter during rp i completely ignore, and people who den claim i tell them its not their land. It seems like also that bonfire gets a ton of rape circles, and around the entrance to ficho tunnel in flourite.
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.

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Re: General and Advertising
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2011, 06:36:20 am »
Just as a reminder.

Mods identities are meant to stay hidden, even between eachother, so why should everyone go and show they're mods and have a private chat? 2nd, how would they whisper a user if as mentioned in other threads before, they aren't able to whisper. Sending a regular whisper is a no.

I think some people do forget that mods identities are meant to stay hidden!

Even between each other? Now THAT, I wasn't aware of. So my suggestion is definitely out... I guess it's honestly up to Kovu then. He needs to fix his game.

Tigg had said in a post somewhere else that he didn't even INTEND for the game to have mods/admins. I don't understand that. What he should be doing is making it easy for them to do their job, and make the FH community a better place for its users. Without tools to help with things like that, the whole community game is going to go completely downhill. He shouldn't be working on his Facebook game, he should be dealing with the game he already has and doing his best to fix it. Now I'm not being greedy, this is a free game and whatnot, but if you're going to make a game, at least make sure it's going to be enjoyable and STAY enjoyable no matter how large the game's community gets.

Sorry for the rant, but honestly, it's true.


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Re: General and Advertising
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2011, 01:41:24 am »
I really like this idea though. i mean no one can stop the trolls right? (my name XD)

So I think someone will get this bright idea to make the adver. section into a second general chat, and that wouldnt be good. But if people actually play nice, I think this would be an amazing tool in the game.