Author Topic: Sevens bio (yes,me real name!) PS: check this out if u like wolf stories!  (Read 3103 times)

Offline meemz2u

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Well,I don't like to reveal much about myself, due to cyber kidnapping and things like that, and since my name is SO unique, I would have a real good chance of getting stolen, so I won't reveal much. Well, I'm female... I love the Beatles and I'm a really good drawer for the age of 11, my fav animal is a wolf, I can draw pretty realistic wolves, I'm real talented at story writing, o I should give u an example! Here's one of my stories,that I just can write out of the blue! :) enjoy!

Forever young~

The blistering heat hit the she wolfs fur like hot coal. Summers in YellowStone could be harsh, but winter, ugh,winter,was even worse. It was early July, the time when pups grew to mature adults, and the recent alpha, steps down to welcome a new alpha for the pack. The young wolf stepped up to the meeting rock,at the side of her gray-muzzled mother.The old wolfs neck rose, and she announced into the babbling crowd,"attention young ones!" The group of gray,white and black wolves sat, looking like and old 1940's black and white motion picture."My daughter is taking my place as alpha! So I want the most respect shown for her!" A black female growled. She had been waiting for this day to come all these years,and now her SISTER was alpha!? She was always left out of everything! So now Kaeleen was the big thing? She lunged forward to her mothers face and growled "I DESERVE THAT JOB!I SHOULD BE ALPHA!ME! YOU NEVER GAVE ME A CHANCE!" She started to sob. Her mother stopped her." Jalen, I'm sorry, but Kaeleen, was the one." Jalen let out a enormous roar, that emitted like a loud thunder clap. She ripped through the once again babbling,confused croud, to the river. Tears rolled down her face and into the wind as she ran. She looked past her shoulder,to hear the uproaring croud after her, and saw the large cloud of wolves coming for her she stopped and laughed. Her sister, worried for her, skidded to a halt, and fell in.

Haha! Sorry to leave you with a cliffhanger if you liked this! Ill post some more later! :)


Offline liomangeoleo

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Re: Sevens bio (yes,me real name!) PS: check this out if u like wolf stories!
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2011, 04:23:37 pm »
wow your tallented for such a young cub hehe and i know this may be a bit bad but your name and age together in the right combo is a very historical event that happened

anyway nice bio and story thank you +nuzzle

Offline meemz2u

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Re: Sevens bio (yes,me real name!) PS: check this out if u like wolf stories!
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2011, 04:29:26 pm »
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it :)

Offline meemz2u

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Re: Sevens bio (yes,me real name!) PS: check this out if u like wolf stories!
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2011, 08:40:30 pm »
Just finished shopping at the mall so now I can post a little more on the story for u guys!

Forever young~
Chapter 2:

Jalen snickered as she watched her sister gasp,and flail in the water. Her mother growled and knocked over jalen. She emitted a loud growl and slashed her daughters face. Jalen squealed and rolled back. She barked and ran at her mother, eyes concentrated on her neck. Kaeleen lept out of the water and stood in the middle of the two. She snarled at Jalen and crouched, ready for what was coming. Jalen stomped her front feet on the ground and exhaled loudly out her nose. She bolted after Kaeleen and the two circled eachother, pupils contracted, hackles raised, tails upward and fluffed. "Get out of here,or I'll kill you.Easy... Or hard way..." Jalen snickered. "You," Kaeleen replied,"will never be alpha." Jalen roared and snapped her jaws onto Kaeleens back and swung her head,ripping a large patch of fur off her back.Kaeleen whipped around and snapped at Jalen," If this is how it will be, I'd suggest we just ignore eachother. You will not be able to change my mothers decision." Jalen looked past her shoulder. And started back to the tree.

Chapter 3 coming soon :)


Offline liomangeoleo

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Re: Sevens bio (yes,me real name!) PS: check this out if u like wolf stories!
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2011, 11:50:43 pm »
o.o omg more epic story hehe this is getting good more i want more >.< i look foward to part 3 :D

Offline meemz2u

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Re: Sevens bio (yes,me real name!) PS: check this out if u like wolf stories!
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2011, 03:50:31 pm »
thanks so much :) btw,cool avatar! :)

Offline meemz2u

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Re: Sevens bio (yes,me real name!) PS: check this out if u like wolf stories!
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2011, 07:15:28 pm »
in a few, there shall be a new chapter!!!:D

Offline meemz2u

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Re: Sevens bio (yes,me real name!) PS: check this out if u like wolf stories!
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2011, 08:22:47 pm »
ok, so heres chapter 3 for y'all!

Forever Young~

Chapter 3

"You will never be unable to do anything, young one." the white she wolf said. "Age is a number. You will never be truly old if you are young at heart. Remember that,Kaeleen." The gray little wolf pup glanced at her mother out of the corner of her eye, her head still down. " I will always be here for you. Even when im gone. You dont have to worry about my dieing just yet." The white wolf chuckled. "Your grandmother is old. Very old. But you dont see her lieing around while the pack hunts do you?"  The gray pup looked up at her mother.
"N-no. Will you be like that too mother?" Kaeleen questioned.
"I am hoping so." she smiled and looked down at her pup with a soft smile."Don't worry about it."

Her mothers face started to blurr, her words, faded. "Mother!! kaeleen grumbled. She began to kick her hind legs as her mothers face disappeared. Her head shot up and she gasped, and looked to her left, to find her mother snoring rather loudly by her side. She sighed and nudged her nearly unconcious mother. Her mother emitted one last monstrous snore, almost like a grunt, before stopping, and it turned into a soft breathing. Kaeleen exhaled and plopped her head back down, and looked at her outstreched paws.
" We will all be forever young, as long as we keep young at heart." she whispered to herself.
 All of a sudden, all that troubled her, all responsibility, all worries, were washed away. It felt right to finally say these words. She grinned to herself. " I guess words can mean more than actions." she mumbled, reciting her grandmothers words.
She remembered her soft voice, her kind words, her wisdom. " All old wolves have wisdom right?" she chuckled to herself,thinking this was rather funny. She smiled and curled her body, and fell asleep rather quickly.

Part II of chapter 3:

It seemed as if she'd had a minutes sleep, night passed quite quickly. Her mother was already wide awake, investigating a snake passing through. Jalen was nowhere to be seen that morning, a relief to everyone else. But this made Kaeleen concerned. She had promised to leave her, but her sister was always dear to her, even if Kaeleen was not so important to Jalen. Kaeleen slipped away, un-noticed, and set off to find Jalen. No sooner then she had set off, she had found a path of dug dirt, Jalens habit. As a pup, Jalens back feet had always been rather large and somewhat dis-functional, so her hind feet sometimes  dragged slightly, leaving a path of dug up dirt. Her hind feet had also made her useful, and in her own time, she liked to dig large tunnels with her back feet, even due to her problem,  Jalen always had the best functional and useful back feet than any adult wolf. Her hind quarters also appeared larger, because of the muscle built up from her digging. Kaeleen followed this path until she found its end, a large cavern , made from large animal feet. She grinned, tilted her head and crouched into it. A large pair of angry eyes glistened, and a large figure lept out. The large cougar tilted its head up and roared, it thundered the sky. it crouched and snarled, and Kaeleen gasped, and bolted away. The cougar followed, fumbling after with its huge feet. A large black muscled wolf emerged out of the brush and lept out in front of Kaeleen. It snarled and looked at Kaeleen with soft eyes. The scar on its cheek was scabbed and a trail of dried blood traced down its cheek bone. it shook its head and looked back at the cougar. The cougar laughed and eventually spoke, " What a cute pair. Well, your attempt to save your frail mate will fail. My cubs will not become a meal to you two imbeciles." it growled. "WE are not cute, and i am not... her... MATE!" the familiar voice screamed. The cougar and the wolf lunged at each other, thrashing and sratching at eachothers neck. The wolf grasped the cougars neck and bit down. The 'squish' sound made Kaellen feel sick. Blood squirted and Kaeleen couldn't tell who took the hit, blood splattered all over both of them. Before Jalen made the final blow, the cougar grasped the wolfs leg and bit down. The wolf grunted in pain, teeth still clenched on the cougars neck, and threw it down. The cougar thrashed and grunted on the ground, then eventually stopped. The cougars eyes looked upon Kaeleens face, like a kit.
Kaeleen felt sorrow for the cougar. The cubs emerged out of the hole and mewed. They waddled up to their mother. The first cub nuzzled her mothers cheek, and lay under her paw. The three cubs started to whimper and eventually cry. The mother gave them all one last nuzzle, before her body shut down completely.
Kaeleens mouth dropped, and she drooped both ears. She stuttered and looked at the black wolf. She snarled and rolled the wolf over, and saw its face.
"Hey.. I saved your life. You should be grateful... alpha..." it snarled.
" Is THAT what this is about!? Is THIS why you saved me!? So YOU could get to mother and become alpha!? JALEN!" she roared. Jalen cringed and looked away,with a guilty look on her face. Kaeleens face softened. Jalen, y-your face...." she whimpered. Jalen looked back, and sulked.
Kaeleen sighed."We have to get you back home." A even larger cougar than the last lept out of the brush and gathered the cubs. The young male growled at the two wolves and lept away.

So, chapter four will also be here soon, hope you liked this one :)
