Author Topic: Hamilton's Aliens /WIP/  (Read 2475 times)

Offline Hamilton

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Hamilton's Aliens /WIP/
« on: September 08, 2011, 03:10:07 pm »
Post 1 :: Introduction. Species >Tigbit, Libbit, and Mardix (space permitting)
Post 2 :: Mardix (cont?), Garbian, Plushion, and Shivolf (space permitting)
Post 3 :: Shivolf (cont?), Kyorii, and Vierkat
Post 4 :: application

Welcome to yet another display of my lazy, none coding...ness....!!

I hope you enjoy your stay. Please don't feed the animals. If you give them people-food, they start thinking they're people. When they think they are don't want to know what happens next.


Some of these creatures are quite old. In ffaacccttt Our first subject was original created over 8 years ago. Astounding!

The information has been modified to suit the options available via FeralHeart character creator. Additional material may be provided at a later date.

Please be respectful of my space. The information you are about to receive is highly classified and if you are caught passing around copies, this thread and all it's contents will be deleted. I am a highly trusting individual. Don't give me cause to alter my views now.


Let's get this show on the road. Please keep your hands and feet inside the hover cart at all times. Here we go~

Tigbit (tig-BIT)

An amalgam of tiger and rabbit. A medium sized omnivore. Tigbits have a habit of living in multi-family groups of 20 or more individuals. While rogues are not unheard of, it is a rarity and can result in mental damage. Mates pair for life, though monogamy is not a heavy trend. Litter size ranges from 1 to 4 pups.

Tigbits appear differently depending on the area they live in. Most common in large plains, mountainous regions and swamps. Tigbits born in the mountains are generally the tallest. Their fur is thicker and their muscles more defined. Overall, much more bulky. Tigbits from swamps tend to be smallest. Yet retain some of the shape of mountain tigbits. Field tigbits, the most common, are about the size of a large dog. They have much slender features in comparison to other tigbits.

The overall build of a tigbit is feline. though the canine models work best. They have small paws with semi-retractable claws. A fluffy tail not unlike a foxes. Their faces are short and their noses are small. the bridge of the nose may be smooth or sharp. Their ears are large. Enormous even. And pointed. Both genders may develop manes, though it is most common in males. Only half and quarter manes. Tigbits do not grow full manes. And of course, they are striped. Just lightly, not like a tiger. Stripes tend to be located on the legs, tail, and ears. Some individuals may develop stripes on the face and back.

Tigbits come in natural tones. The range of common colors is pale tans to deep greys. Uncommon colors include pure white and black. Stripes are usually darker than the fur surrounding them. Black tigbits have no stripes.
Eye color is not bound. Tigbits may have any eye color. Many in shades of purple! Oh my!

Images ::

Generic tigbit. canine model

Generic tigbit. feline model

Download :: Tigbit stripes /wip/

Libbit (lehb-BIT)

A cousin of the tigbit. A large sized piscivore (fish eater). Libbit's form groups of solitary individuals at prime fishing locations. These groups can get as large as 15 creatures before hostilities break out. These groups are not tightly knit and are frequently changing in members. Mates come and go, and rarely stick together after er....copulating~. A single cub is born. Twins are a rarity.

Libbit live near water and are especially fond of waterways where large fish are found. There is some variation between individuals but not enough to warrant classifying them as sub-species or breeds.

In general, libbits are feline in appearance. The feline model works perfectly. They are a large species, easily matching the height of an adult male lion. They have wide faces and moderately sized muzzles. Their noses tend to be large. The bridge of the nose is usually smooth to the shape of the skull. The ears are large. Very large, and pointed. And their tails are lion-like with a slender length and tuft on the end. Their bodies are bulky and the fur is short and smooth. Paws are wide and webbed. Claws being completely retractable. Males may develop short manes. Half or quarter manes only, no full manes. Females go mane-less though rarely may have a small tuft.

Libbits have a low range of colors. Only appearing in varieties of tawny, golden tan, and dusty. Mane and tail-tuft are usually darker then the pelt. Rarely, some libbits may develop faded spots on their rumps. These, when apparent, are rosettes and colored so finely they are barely noticeable. Libbits may have any eye color. Though yellow and green are most common.

Images ::

Generic libbit

Download :: none

to be continued.......
« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 09:50:33 pm by The Original Hammy »

Offline Hamilton

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Re: Hamilton's Aliens /WIP/
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2011, 03:10:26 pm »
I claim this land in the name of Thaleron!

Offline Hamilton

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Re: Hamilton's Aliens /WIP/
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2011, 03:10:59 pm »
This property belongs to Hamilton. Trespassers will be given cookies......

Offline Hamilton

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Re: Hamilton's Aliens /WIP/
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2011, 03:11:32 pm »


okay I'm done.