Author Topic: Ligoths bio? Oh my!*  (Read 1797 times)


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Ligoths bio? Oh my!*
« on: October 20, 2011, 02:01:53 pm »
'Ello there people of Feral Heart. :D It's someone you've never heard of before crawling through the interwebs and what-have-you. I desided to write I bio for myself on here. Mostly because I've been up all night, and now I have to stay up all day. Anywho, here's something about me...

My name is Malcolm. I live in the skirts of Kansas, you know, Toto, the Tin Man, ruby shoes, Kansas? Yeah, that one. Hollywood did a good job on that movie, however that's nothing what Kansas is like sadly enough. I live in the city of Wichita. No, I don't live on a farm, I live in a city. Filled with rich people, and the guy that invented Coke lives right outside my nighborhood oddly enough. <__<' And no, that's no joke. I'm currently 15, and homeschooled. Been homeschooled for awhile now. I'm...Well, what you would probably call a character. I'm a goth, transexual homosexual man, meaning I'm a biological female, who feels like a gay male. Yes. It's odd to most. But I'm not ashamed of who I am, nor am I ashamed to let the world know that. I suffer from many medical issues. Both mental and physical. So my sleeping patterns are messed up, and sometimes stay up for days on end without getting sleep. I make art. Or rather, I turn everything into art. Heh. I listen to all types of music. Mostly Jazz, Rock, 80's, and Classics these days. I'm a huge fan of Star Trek, aswell as manyother TV shows. Such as Criminal Minds. Hehee, I'm quite fond of Spencer Reid. <3 My goal in life is to help other's understand that we are equal, no matter what we like, wear, or who we love. My other goal in life is to become a successful artist someday.

Anywho, I'm quite fond of talking to people, so never be afrade to send me a message or two. I'll gladly respond nomatter what the meaning of it.

Take care. <3

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Re: Ligoths bio? Oh my!*
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2011, 02:47:55 am »
Great bio :D I have to say, it's really great you stand up for yourself and are open to the world.
:P I too want to become an artist!

~Intoxicated eyes, no longer live that life.
You should have learned by now, I'll burn this whole world down.
I need some peace of mind, no fear of what's behind. 
You think you've won this fight, you've only lost your mind.~