Author Topic: What if?  (Read 2004 times)

Offline Kingslay

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What if?
« on: September 25, 2011, 03:45:14 am »
~What If~
Chapter 1
Shoot out

Marley sat on the bench, his hand running through his black hair. "Any new cases or crimes...or ANYTHING?" He asked, turning to look at his partner, Miles. Miles shrugged.  "I dont believe so." He said and slouched over. All of the sudden, as if on que an officer's voice sounded from the radio-like system. "Marley, Marley can you hear me?" The voice sounded. "Plain as day!" He muttered into it. "We got a shoot out at the Northbridge Mall, head over there ASAP." The cop said. "On it." He ran down the sidewalk, Miles right on his heels. "This aint gonna be easy..." He mumbled and continued running. "I suppose not." Miles panted. They finally arrived, pushing open the doors. They looked around and saw everyone was on the floor, they both took out their guns. "Come out! NOW!" Miles hollered, a man in a black hat and coat jumped out, shooting at them, he missed and they ran after him, he dropped his gun on accident giving them the advantage. Miles ran ahead and caught the man by the collar of his jacket. Marley handcuffed him. "Think you were gonna get away with that?" He asked. "No...but if I were you I'd be helping that girl I shot." He grinned, hat still covering his face. "Who are you?!" Miles pulled the man's hat off, He didnt look too old, probably in his twenties. "Miles take him to the cops, I'll help those that got hurt." Marley said and looked around. "Did anyone here actually get shot?" He shouted. "Yes! There's a girl over here, she got shot in the torso!" Someone called, Marley rushed to the voice. He was soon aided by Miles who had luckily studied medical things. "Get an ambulance, this looks bad." Marley told Miles. "What the...?" The girl said. "Are you alright?" Marley asked her. "Do I look-" She passed out. "Miles hurry it up!" The ambulance arrived soon, they both got in with the paramedics and the stretcher with the lady in it. "Do you think she'll be alright?" He asked. "Must you ask so many questions?" Miles grunted. "Looks bad...could actually be fatal but...." He trailed off. "Oh look that was fast, we're already here." Marley jumped out and Miles followed. They got into a room. "Where's the doctor?" Marley asked. "Are you dumb? I AM the doctor." Miles huffed. "Oh, right." After an hour or so Miles backed away and sat in a chair. "Looks like she'll be ok, we'll check on her in the morning." He said and guided Marley out. They drove to their apartment building and went to their rooms which were next door to each other...thats how they met in the first place. Marley brushed his teeth, put on his pajamas and went to bed, Miles did the same in his room.

Chapter 2

They both got ready and had breakfast in Marley's Room "This coffee tastes funny." Marley moved his cup around making the coffee lap at the edges. "Try the bagel then. Its really pretty good." Miles suggested, munching on his own bagel. "Fine." He said and took a bite of the bagel. "I guess you're right. Anyways lets go to the Hostpital." He said and got up, putting his coat on. "Mmmhmm." Miles followed him out the door. Miles opened the door and went in, Marley stayed behind to fiddle at the desk. In a few minutes Miles burst out the door, closing it and pushing on it, panting. "Good gosh Miles, what's wrong?" Marley turned. "!" He yelled. "Let me see." Marley walked towards the door and Miles scooted aside. "I wouldnt do that if I were you...." He rolled his eyes. "How bad could it-" As he opened the door a needle shot out, skimming Marley's hair and hitting Miles in the back, he collapsed and Marley's expression was...strange. "What the!?"

((LOL! Should I write more? :3))
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 03:54:41 am by ??????? »

Offline Kingslay

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Re: What if?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 03:50:54 am »
Sorry for some typos >_< If you refresh i fixed most of 'em

Offline DungeonSiegeWolf

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Re: What if?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2011, 10:47:56 pm »
You should do more! I know how it feels to have some typos >.<

Offline Kingslay

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Re: What if?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2011, 09:33:43 pm »
Alright! I will add another chapter or two when I get time. c: