Author Topic: Character Q&A  (Read 1271 times)

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Character Q&A
« on: October 05, 2011, 07:35:56 pm »
I have no idea where to put this, but since it has something to do with people's 'characters' I'm putting it here. If there is a better place to put it, tell me ^^

If you create a lot of characters for roleplaying or other purposes, this will be a good chance to see how well you know your character, or really develope him/her/it/whatchamacallit. Maybe you have a new character thats not really developed yet, maybe you need some fresh ideas flowing for a new rp you wanna join. You can polish up old characters and make your new ones cooler :D
The main objective here is to answer a question someone else asked about your character. You dont need to focus on just one, heck you could use a different char for each question, whichever floats your boat. Example:
Person: What is your char's age?
Person2: 18. What does your chars hair look like?

And so on, so forth. Detailed answers are encouraged, after all the goal is to know your characters inside out, from describing what they smell like, what their feet look like, etc etc ETC.
Catch ma drift?
Imma start, of course XD

No one asked me a question yet, so I'll ask a first question.
What does your character's voice sound like? Do they sound like someone such as a celebrity or you could just describe what they sound like?
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;