Author Topic: Final Battle  (Read 1142 times)

Offline ClickethTheCat

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Final Battle
« on: November 25, 2011, 07:03:38 pm »
Static looked up at the large black creature, not even worring about the flame ring that was closing up on her. Though she could feel as the fire weakend her slowly and her fur start to catch flame at a slow rate that was quickly getting faster, she knew that if she jumped through she would catch fire anyways and her apearance would fade off into burned dust and her true, bright, and very unstable form that would escape and she would slowly die off... But she took the chance anyways... Backing up slowly untill she could feel her tail touch the burning flames, her feet sparked quickly as she jumped through the fire with her bright blue eyes closed and she could feel her fur just seem to burn off and she landed harshly on the cold stone ground... She twitched many times before getting up as she glowed brightly, eletricity dancing around her, and her eyes still closed untill she finaly opened them to show bright pupiless eyes that just glowed almost as bright as her true fur. Standing there she just looked at the ground and slowly raised her head to the black beast- and before the monster could see she darted quickly around dodgeing all of his attacks after he saw her, she then grabed a shard of stone and bounced off a wall- staring strait into the cold, lifeless eyes of the creature... her eyes faded to white and she dodged his large jaws and stabbed him strait in the heart... everything was silent... the creature fell to the ground along with static, then dieing off her glow faded slowly untill everything was dark-... "But this is not the end, Static..." (WELL THATS THE END XD gawd this story is terrible ;n;)

Offline Emberflame

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Re: Final Battle
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2011, 02:12:14 am »
Oh, youll get better lol :) I like it although I prefer longer ones