Author Topic: The Melizan Half-Dragons  (Read 1973 times)

Offline Koyoss

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The Melizan Half-Dragons
« on: June 30, 2011, 11:23:49 pm »
These half-dragons used to live on an island far away, until humans came and cultivated there, and the species on the island slowly died off, except for a few.  Those few took off in flight across the seas and eventually came to a land where humans have not touched.  Do to there long flight, they lost their wings, and the desendants of the species never got their wings.

Gender Differences:  The species size are random, some being very large, others being very small.  The male and females can be either height, so you may find a female who is much bigger than the male.

Behaviour:  Their behaviour also depends on their element.

Their markings color depends on what element they are.  Their pelt itself as well as underfur and any other thing other than markings are any color.

Fire(Red or Orange): Fire elemented of them have red or orange markings, and are usually aggresive and love fighting.  They can create fire and burn down objects easily.
Water(Blue or Dark Blue): Water elemented are peaceful, and hate fighting.  They have blue or dark blue markings. They can control how water moves.
Air(Gray): Air elements have gray markings, and are also peaceful.  They make and control wind and tornados.
Earth(Dark Green): Earth elemented have dark green markings, and have a.. rough personality.  They can do anything from moving rocks to creating earthquakes.

Weather(Light Green): Weather elements mood changes with the weather.  When its sunny, their happy and peaceful, when its raining, sad, storming, mad, snowing- you get it.  They can use whatever weather is current to their advantage. Their markings are light green.
Light(Yellow): They are peaceful, bright, and cheerful. They control light basically.  Their markings are yellow.
Dark(Black): They hate everyone and everything.  They control anything dark.  Their markings are black.

Plant(Green): They are peaceful, but easily angered.  They control plants, of course.  Their markings are Green.

-VERY Rare-
Psychic(Pink): These are peaceful, and smart.  They can solve almost any problem, and their powers involve reading minds and messing with others memories.  Their markings are pink.
Space(White): These half-dragons have unpredictable and random personalities.  They can create objects on pure whim, and have pure-white markings.

-OMG so Rare-
Blood(Dark Red): These ones are considered gifted by the gods themselves, and have no specific personality. They control the bloodflow of other creatures, and, when they abuse that power, they are considered beasts and outcasts of society.  Their markings are dark red.

Markings: Any
Ears: Dragon(Feline) Back(Canine)
Tail: Thick Tail(Feline) Thin Tail or Cat Tail(Canine)
Everything else is your choice c:

Also, I would like you to post you charries here with your information, so I can know how many of you like this c: You only NEED to post here if you have a uncommon, rare, VERY rare, or OMG so Rare element.

(Screenie here)


Name: Monaia
Element: Blood

Also, try to keep screenies 300x300, but if you can't, thats fine c:

« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 11:29:00 pm by Koyo »

Pet's name: Dappledpelt

Offline River-White-Wolf

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Re: The Melizan Half-Dragons
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2011, 05:33:30 am »
I'll join but I can't figure out how to post pictures on here so ill have to include a link to the pic.
I am a crazy weirdo, with waaaay too many FH characters and a love of being insane. If you see any mentions of the characters Ruins and Nightshadow, they are a few of my favorite spoof/spazzing/general randomness characters, and I generally use them or at least mention while spazzing about.
In short, I am a crazy maniac. Deal with it.