Author Topic: Maki Mori's Little List  (Read 1579 times)


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Maki Mori's Little List
« on: November 19, 2011, 02:05:57 am »
Because, let's face it, alliteration is fun <3

Anyways, if you'd like to know a bit about all the random characters floating around in my head (or, more specifically, the ones I'll be introducing here), then look no further! This is a compilation of everything my brain feels like typing about my little freak show X3

"Yes, Master!"

Name: Rochester
Nickname: Roro
Age: Ageless
Gender: Male
Preference: Male
Species: Mutt
A little bit about me: Oooh! I love telling stories! And this one is my favorite! It's the story of how I met the master! *drools a bit* Master... ah! Anyways! This is kinda how the story goes:

Once upon a time there was a man who was down on his luck and out of money. While he was wandering the streets some sad, rainy night, he was attacked by a dog! Well, the man beat the dog back, and when he had finally subdued the beast, an idea struck. Dog fighting!

Well, this led to that, and eventually, the man bred a line of champion fighters. He was undefeated! The money kept pouring in, tons of it!

Finally, he had reached the peak of perfection. His star hound had fathered a pup like no other: he was big, bad, tough, and no dog could take him in a fight! That is, of course, until some low-life came up with the brilliant idea of hiding a few weapons on his dog. The result was a very messy end to the brilliant star dog. The master, being of an equally low-life state, simply left the dying body of his old champion in an ally. The dog was almost certain he was going to die.

And die he did.

However, the story goes on:

You see, in that same ally, nursing a serious hang-over, was the lord of Hell himself, the very tired, very headachy Lucifer. He had come to the human world in search of a good place to stir up some trouble, and when he found the dead dog in the ally, an idea suddenly came to mind.

So he dragged the dog's soul out of oblivion, bringing him into a new existence as a hellhound. He then gave that hellhound a human form, and set him loose on the old master and the man who had rigged the fight, resulting in the dog's death. After the necessary vengence-taking, Lucifer brought his new pet back to Hell, where they lived happily ever after as part-time lovers.

Then, of course, there was the stupid cat, but he moved out >3> And good riddance! 'Cuz Master is all mine >3>

Aaaanyways, that's the story <3

Notes on Rochester: I actually came up with the cat first. His name is Hikaru, and he's not going to be listed here. He actually ran away from Lucifer, because he was tired of being a pet. He currently lives in an unnamed town somewhere in Japan, where he attends a normal high school and hangs out with his boyfriend, Ochita, another cat, who was cast out of heaven. Rochester and LuLu visit sometimes, usually to eat all the ramen they can find. Between Hikaru, Ochita, Lucifer, Rochester, and three other demons, I think I might have a really long, complicated story going on... each in its own manga X3


Name: Drifter
Nickname: Drift
Age: 3 1/2 years (roughly 23 in dog years)
Gender: Male
Preference: Male
Species: Mer-wolf
A little bit about me: ........ wuff ^_^

Notes on Drifter: He... doesn't talk much. And by that, I mean not at all. He was given a human form due to a virus that mutates the bodies of any animal it touches. Out of all the wolves in his world, he's the most... wolfish X3 He only speaks to non-wolves (excluding humans or any variant of the human race. extends to elves and the like as well). He once faced down a dragon to protect his boyfriend, Torment. For you My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fans, think Fluttershy, but as a boy, and sometimes murderously vicious X3 When he's touched by water, his lower half turns into a fish tail. He's very pretty and girly looking <3