Author Topic: Server/network code suggestions  (Read 2905 times)


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Server/network code suggestions
« on: February 01, 2011, 11:56:20 am »
I have a few ideas, that if not already in place, might at the very least give you some ideas of your own :P

- Only synchronize characters that are visible by the client. If two groups of people are on separate sides of the map, the client needn't sync with them. People standing behind you shouldn't need detailed updates either, just occasional rounded value XYZ coordinates every few seconds.

- Upon logging in, place a user within one of a few random 'dimentions' or 'instances' of a map, or to one that has their friends in it.
Bandwidth usage gets exponentially higher for every person who joins the web of currently synchronized clients, meaning everyone in such a position that they all need to exchange data with everyone else to keep synchronized.
Let's say, on average, each person is sending 1kb of data per minute to everyone else through the server.
The bandwidth usage could be expressed like ([number of users] X [number of users])
so, if each one was supposedly using 1kb a minute... Let's see what happens as additional players join.
2x2     = 2kb/m
5x5     = 25kb/m
10x10 = 100kb/m
15x15 = 225kb/m
20x20 = 400kb/m
25x25 = 625kb/m
30x30 = 900kb/m
So as you can see, splitting up players can have a HUUUGE impact on bandwidth. There's a reason people were telling you to move to another map. You could have NINE maps of 10 players for the same bandwidth as ONE map with 30 players!

- Look into the possibility of other volunteers willing  to provide an additional server for the game. While setting up a server is no small matter, there's bound to be trustworthy individuals out there willing to give a helping hand, and having servers in different parts of the world could resolve some potential connection and lag issues.


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Re: Server/network code suggestions
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 09:58:12 pm »
I agree; But how would you set all of this up? I doubt server coding could handle ALL of this, and it's really their choice as to how they deal with the bandwith.


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Re: Server/network code suggestions
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 11:52:19 pm »
They can do whatever they want, I just hoped it give them some ideas on staying within the bounds of bandwidth so they don't have to shut down the server 1 week into the month.

Offline Aroxy

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Re: Server/network code suggestions
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2011, 11:57:35 pm »
I said something about putting players into different maps because tigg basically said the bandwith was like.. so many people in one map = so much bandwith.. but if there's not a lot of people in the same place, then less bandwith is used, ya?

Red explained it to me as.. if you have a glass of water, and you pour some of the water into another glass.. you're still going to have the same amount of water that you started with, no matter where you put it.

I think you're on the right track, i'm just not 100% sure if it would help or not.



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Re: Server/network code suggestions
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2011, 02:41:19 am »
Aroxy, look at the chart half way through he first post.

It is NOT like putting water into two separate glasses.
Each player needs to send data to every other person, and everyone else needs to send data to them.
Each addition of a new player begins to make a huge difference once you get past a certain point.