Author Topic: The D'or Family  (Read 1005 times)


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The D'or Family
« on: December 21, 2011, 08:59:20 pm »
N???: Orion D'or

A??: Unknown. Appears to be quite young, but has appeared in history many times.

R???s: Human, fox, many more

G?????: Male

S????s: Head of the D'or family

P??s???????: A quite bold and dark, almost normal on the very surface, character. He's a strong speaker, using his tongue as a sword rather than fighting with claws and teeth. He seems like he worries more about the dirt on his pelt and clothes more than the problem at hand.

H?s????/B?????????: Orion has a dark past and prefers to keep it to himself. With the death of his parents at age 13, he became the head of the D'or family, losing all aspects of happiness. He matured quickly and became hard as a rock, death no longer phased him and fear was prolonged.
Gold has always been the family color, hence his golden pelt. His brother Cliffe aids him in focusing on remaining strong and unemotional by testing him periodically with pain.

N???: Cliffe D'or

A??: Appears to be the same age as Orion

R???s: Human, lion, wolf

G?????: Male

S????s: Orion's most trusted advisers, secretly planning to take the position of head of the family

P??s???????: Cliffe has a rather difficult personality, showing unpredictable personality changes. From laughing and being carefree one moment to angry and demanding the next. He's also a quite strong speaker, but would rather use sword than words and tear the one who doesn't believe his word to pieces. Spontaneous and unpredictable, his personality is the opposite of Orion's.

H?s????/B?????????: Cliffe seemed unaffected by the death of his parents at first, trying hard to hold onto the good times and remain happy and carefree. But with time he became emotional, personalities splitting into separate pieces. He likes to afflict pain onto his servants and family member, trying to keep them in line.