Author Topic: peer to peer game data sharing  (Read 1199 times)


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peer to peer game data sharing
« on: December 27, 2011, 02:05:01 am »
hello, I am sorta new to feral heart, (found it some time ago, did not get into it but came back because my sister might start using it) and the parts that interested me most was map making and presets, (though i think custom skin would be a better name, as preset implies a already configured set of existing options)

though, to my understanding, it is poorly executed. you have to download it and configure it out of game to be able to see any of it. which i feel limits sharing and defeats the point, as nobody but those who chose to close the game, find it, install it, and configure it will be able to see it. and i remember a discussion a while back (my impute was poor, i was too young and noobish...) saying that they could pay for hosting presets. but i think i have a good idea that will not limit the games or servers, and allows those who have the computer resources to handle (space and bandwidth) it to enjoy the game more for free.

this idea is peer to peer game data sharing, where clients that choose to do so can download presets when meeting someone and can visit custom maps right from the game.


preset sharing goes as follows, you can configure a set of option regarding how you wish to share for a bandwidth friendly experience.

offer download -  let it be downloaded as soon as you are see-able, or if they need to request or you to grant permission (no none at all option, as you can just take off the preset in that case)

who to get downloads from - lets you toggle as follows | no one, see nobodies presets | everyone, see everybody presets | friends or group presets, only get presets from those on your friend lists or groups you choose

catch options, how to handle the catch, how long till the last time you saw someone till the game deletes it, and options for keeping friends or groups in the catch for quick viewing, and how much hard drive space to use. or to use a flash drive to store it


now for maps, you can just download on visit, and chose to keep a map in a catch if you think you will visit it often.

of course, the setting will have a watered down version for those not in the know for how computers work or do not want to wade though too many options,

please give feedback, as i have no idea how valable this idea is, though if technical possible, i think it will be a awsome addition to a already great game