Author Topic: Ghosts and the Living. (Literate and long term wolf only rp with map)  (Read 1909 times)


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Welcome to the Living and the Dead.

This is a literate and long term/permanent role play for wolves only.

History of The Deva Pack
Lets start out with the meaning of its name. Deva means Celestial Spirit. Kind of funny for a pack of ghosts huh. When the pack of Deva was comprised of living wolves, they were located on the coast of Peru in the Cuzco valley, at the same time the Inca tribes were a thriving civilization. This was in the 1400s. The Deva wolves occupied the same land as the Incas. The pack was extremely friendly with the locals, some of them even taking the wolves into their homes. Almost after 50 years of living peacefully together, One fateful day on July 17, 1451, a Deva wolf went mad. He was bitten by a rabid animal, and terrorized the civilization. Many women, children, and even infants were killed by the mad wolf. Human blood stained the earth, as well as the mad wolfs fur. Shocked, the tribe reacted. The men took to their arrows and fired. The mad wolf was too fast and his strength was maximized. It took 17 arrows to finally take down the beast. In terror, the humans were outraged and threatened the wolves. Raging with the lost of their women and children, the tribe again shot and killed 17 wolves. The Inca tribe screamed and yelled till their throats bled, and threatened to kill more of the wolves if they did not leave. Frightened, heartbroken and confused, the large pack of now 150 wolves left and found a new land, about a mile from the outskirts of the Incas. Many of the wolves were tortured by the loss of their humans, and could sometimes hear their voices calling for them. At night, the pack put their ears to the sky to hear the swet music of their lost tribe friends. Life was sad for many months for the wolves, until one early morning on December 17, 1451. A large pack filled with Dire wolves wandered into the lands of the Deva. The Deva wolves tried to peacefully tell the Dire wolves to leave, but they wouldnt listen. The Dires were there to stay. Refusing to share the little land the Deva were permitted, the Dired were attacked. A bloody battle till the next dawn took place. The pack of 17 Dire wolves had killed 149 Deva wolves. Only one survived, by drenching himself in the blood of his family and laying down on the ground, pretending to be dead. The ground was so covered in blood, it is said that the black soil was dyed red. The one surviving wolf buried his pack members... or the bodies of them with all or most of their limbs still attached. The lone wolf was so depressed, he drowned himself three days later, and his body is buried at sea. Many of the Deva still haunt their lands, mourning the loss of their family and pack. The number 17 is said to be a demonic number to them, and on every 17th of the month, the hauntings are as terrible as ever. Rumor has it, on December 17, the death filled battle can be witnessed with the ghosts of the Deva wolves.

History of the Vida Pack
The name "Vida," means "life" in Spanish. The pack of Vida wolves have migrated all the way from Mexico city, and settled in the Cuzco Valley in Peru, on June 2, 2012. It has been 612 years since that land has been occupied, or even touched for that matter. The Deva pack was awoken once more. Paranormal activity began to fester in the lives of the Vida. They soon began to realize the inhabitants of ghosts in their lands. Being a brave pack, the Vida decided to stay and investigate the paranormal lands. As time goes on, they hope to learn the history of the ancient pack, and maybe even become friends and coexist peacefully.

1. You must be able to download maps with other meshes used in it
2. You must be a literate and serious roleplayer
3. You must be able to come onto FeralHeart at least three times a week.
4. You must be able to download and correctly install wearable items.
1. anything that happens in roleplay is strictly roleplay. Nothing said in roleplay is to be taken seriously outside of roleplay.
2. Any bullying or harrasment act outside of roleplay is not allowed.
3. Up to 2 characters allowed in roleplay (only one wolf in each pack, Deva or Vida.)
4. Cursing is aloud. Just try not to say a billion curse words in each sentence.
5. If you are having issued with a player (OUTSIDE OF ROLEPLAY) Come and speak to me. Do not try to take care of it yourself.
6. If 3 offenses occur (or more or less depending on the severity of the act), a team of four wolves (Both alphas and betas of Deva and Vida wolves) will decide your fate, which can be another warning, a ban, or a banish. A warning is a talking to, and another reading of the rules by the character. A ban is a set number of days the player cannot participate in roleplay. A banish is when the player, (which is not just the character, but the entire user) will be kicked from the group and not welcomed back into roleplay.
7. Harassing the leaders once will lead to an immediate ban. If this act is done again, you will be banished.
8. Mating is aloud between to characters, whether living or a ghost. Just... dont be to perverted and do it in private chat.
9. All roleplay will be done in group chat. General will be used for casual chat. Local my only be used if you are casually talking with a group of people near you.
10. Wolves ust be semi realistically colored. Any all neon colored wolves will not be accepted. "Sparkle dogs" might have a chance to be accepted, but there in no guarantee. Wings are also aloud, just ask me first.
11. Wearable items are aloud on both Deva and Vita wolves. You are aloud to change items various times if desired.
12. Rankings will be picked by the leader of the pack you selected. There is only one alpha for each pack. If the alpha/alphess has a mate, the mate will stay in the same position as the were before the were the leaders mate.

In the comment section below please use this form.

In game username:
Character name:
Character age:
Character gender:
Short biography:
RP sample:
Picture or DETAILED description:
If Deva ghost wolf, you are aloud up to 1 major power, and 2 minor powers. List them with application, but keep in mind they may need to be altered so no powerplaying can be used.

Also, send me a friend request in game so I can accept your player into the pack and meet you.

Visual guidelines for Deva ghost wolves:
Variations of white, black, gray, a grayish brown, and a smokey green are the coat colors aloud. Underfur colors should be lighter or same color or top coat. Though there may be no pitch black top coats with pure white undercoats. Markings should be a slightly darker color than topcoat, or lighter if your coat is black. All sorts of manes, tufts, and tails, and ear styles are aloud, except for tail-less. All eye types are accepted except for normal or whole. Eye colors can be anything you want. Wing color should be the same as top coat or underfur color.

Visual guidelines for Vida wolves:
Anything you want ^_^ except for all neon O.o semi realistic is suggested and encouraged, but you do not have to be.
NOTE: I am the leader (or alphess) of the Deva pack. I will also decide the leader of the Vida pack. My in game username is Evanescence. My characters name is Sahkyo (pronouned Suh-kai-oh) Please at the end of your post, put *$*# for me to confirm you read the whole thing.

I will post pictures here when the map is finished.

Have fun and I hope you join!!!!

« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 09:54:31 pm by Troll »


  • Guest
In game username: Evanescence
Character name: Sahkyo
Character age: 2 (adult)
Character gender: female
Short biography: Sahkyo was the leader of the Deva wolves at the time of its destruction. She is willing to contact the living, but needs to trust them first.
RP sample: Sahkyo silently trotted into the forest of giant trees. Her eyes sharpened as her nose lifted to the air to smell if any of those Vida wolves were around. She sighed a sigh of relief, as she could see no sign of a living wolf around her. Sahkyo carried on her way through the forest, engulfing herself in nature.
Picture or DETAILED description:


Power(s): possessing living wolves for brief moments
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 10:03:33 pm by Troll »