Author Topic: [Project Unreal]  (Read 1815 times)


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[Project Unreal]
« on: February 23, 2012, 04:01:28 am »

Do you like stories about projects that seem unreal, close calls, suspense, and tragic endings? If not, please close this browser. Right now. Do it.

Aye, I see you haven't closed it, you must be interested, no? A'ight, then let's get started...Where shall we start...maybe...Where she got into Project Unreal Inc.? Don't ask. I'll tell you who 'she' and the 'Project Unreal Inc.' Are soon. Ah k? You got your popcorn and drinks ready? Ok. With out further delay, I present to you...PROJECT UNREAL: Project Unreal Inc.

Down in Southern Colorado, a girl named Stella lived on Umbrella Drive, number 332. She had a normal life as an office assistant. She never knew her family, and she didn't have a man in her life yet, so she lived alone. Sometimes she even talked to her dog, Dex, to keep her occupied.

Stella sat on the recliner and threw her hat on the floor. She ran her fingers through her sleek, dark hair and sighed. "You do not know how much I hate being an office assistant. Type this, type that, print this, that and the other." she leaned back. "And being that I'm still writing my story, it doesn't help. I'll never finish it if I'm stuck printing, copying and filing everything all night." She continued to complain, even though her listener, Dex, had walked away. "Ok, ok. I got this." She said and grabbed her notebook.  She began to write when the doorbell rang. "Come in!" She shouted. The door slightly creaked open. A tall man in a black coat leaned in. "Are you Stella Woods?" He asked. "I see your seeking a new job, yes?" He looked over at her. "Yes, why? Has a job opened?" She leaped off the recliner, near the man. The man nodded and handed her a paper, then turned and walked out the door. "Project Unreal, ey? What's so 'unreal' about it?" She laughed, tossing the paper onto her coffee table and walking into the kitchen.

CHAPTER ONE: Was that a joke?

Stella woke up the next day and made herself some coffee. She leaned against the counter and noticed she had left the paper on the coffee table without even thoroughly looking it over. She snatched it and sat down on the couch. "You have been selected to become a very special secret agent." She read outloud. "Is this a joke?" She slapped her leg and read on. "To accept please call 267-5779. Thank you." She eyed the paper. "Very formal, for a top secret agent thing-a-ma-jig." She said, seeing Dex. "Come 'ere boy!" She said and the small terrier leaped into her lap. Stella stroked Dex's fur for a while, thinking of what she would be doing if she accepted this job. She slowly got up, forcing her dog to jump away. She picked up the paper, keeping a straight face. She went into the kitchen and grabbed the phone...

"Please proceed to The only base camp in Colorado for a hundred miles." The man said. "That you for participating in this interview." He continued. "A'ight. I'll see you then." Stella said and hung up the phone. "Time for some adventure in my life. I don't want to die a boring old hag who never did anything with her life, do I?" She chuckled and went upstairs. She threw on a shirt over her tanktop, a trench coat, and changed into a pair of slightly baggy brown-tan pants. Before she went out the door, she grabbed an old fedora and dropped it on her head. "Let's go!" She said and quickly got in her car. She drove down the roads, tapping her GPS. "Go to--uh--What did he say it was called?" Stella asked. "Cannot locate ---uh---What did he say it was called?" The GPS said. "You stupid object. I wasn't talking to you!" Stella hit it and then sighed. "Go to Project Unreal Facility Camp 12" Stella finally remembered. The GPS showed her directions, and soon enough she was there. In the middle of nowhere. She walked into the building...

CHAPTER TWO: Busy Building

Stella opened the door to see men and women in suits running around the center with papers flying out of their hands. "What's going on?" Stella asked and everyone stopped and stared at her. "What?" Stella looked quite embarassed. A man in a black suit walked up to her and handed her a paper. "What you always gotta give me a paper, you can't speak?" Stella raised a brow as the man disappeared in the crowd. The paper looked like it was ripped from a journal it read:

March 1st: The scientists are building a new design for an AI. I don't like the looks of it though, plus, being superstituous, I'm pretty sure something will malfunction. The AI will be finished on Friday, March 13.

March 10th: Well, the AI is almost complete. Luckily he's not mobile, if he tries to move, he'll rip his wires out and shut himself down. That's what I'm hoping he'll do. He's a new style the scientists have been working on, canine models.

March 13th: The AI is going to be finished today, I'm hiding in the air vent.

March 14th: I was right! The thing went insane and slaughtered most every scientist! HELP!

March 17th: The AI...He's, He's trying to find me.

March 18th: HELP! I'm dying! Someone p

The message ended there. Stella wondered how the workers here had recovered this object, being that apparently if they were to go into the lab, they would die. She did not question, just asked "Am I supposed to fix this?" The workers nodded. Stella sighed and asked. "Where am I to go?" She asked. "Head to Fairview. It's underground, but I'm sure you'll find the hole." A women said and walked on. Stella rolled her eyes and got in her car. "Go to Fairview." She said and her GPS showed the directions to get there. "Thats like, 3 days away. UGH." She snapped and drove on down the road.

It was getting dark. Stella decided to stop at a nearby hotel. She parked her car on the side of the road and walked in. "Hello?" She asked, it seemed completely empty. A guy around her age popped up and spluttered out something she didn't understand. "Woah! I-I didn't see you there....Sir." Stella looked from side to side. "That's okay, I was just...napping...on the floor." He confessed. "Okay...May I have a room?" Stella looked around. "Sure, here's a key. The room number is on the key." The guy turned his chair around and started reading something. Stella walked down the hall, the key had '321' written on it. Stella walked down the corridor and found room 321 and shoved the key into it and pulled open the door. When she had went to the Project Unreal Center, she had brought her bag, but left it in her car. She ran out and grabbed it and brought it in her room. Stella sat on the bed and opened a laptop that was in her bag. "Hmm, what would the laboratory be called? Fairview Laboratories?" Stella asked herself and searched it. She clicked the first option and began to read. "Paradox Laboratories, found in Fairview Colorado, is a major lab industry where subjects are tested, AIs are made, and inventions are tested. Read more at the pages above." Stella read outloud. She clicked on 'AIs' page, and began reading. She scrolled down until she was at the bottom of the page where it showed a picture of a canine model connected to the lab by wires. "That's it!" Stella shouted and then covered her mouth. "Alpha-X13" She read the AI's name. Stella felt a chill run down her spine as she stared at the picture.

ALPHA-X13 Sneakpeek :
So, Feedback? What d'ya think Stella's gonna do next?[color]

« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 05:49:40 pm by AcidicRain »

Offline EvilDrKitty

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Re: [Project Unreal] ~~{WIP}~~
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 04:17:34 am »
It's cool. Add more! ;)


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Re: [Project Unreal] ~~{WIP}~~
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2012, 05:45:59 am »
A'ight, I will! I don't want to give any spoilers, but let's just say trouble comes fast.

EDIT: Added more, she hasn't got into any trouble yet, however.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 06:07:58 am by Paintsplatter »


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Re: [Project Unreal]
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2012, 04:13:26 am »
Bumpity bump bump!