Author Topic: ASHEN PRIDE Mapped Feline RP, Neons and Winged Welcomed!  (Read 1793 times)

Offline Fauxx

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ASHEN PRIDE Mapped Feline RP, Neons and Winged Welcomed!
« on: December 31, 2013, 07:22:16 am »
                Ashen Pride!     We are a group of cats and large felines, known as firecats who live in the rocky terrain of DragonFire, I, Miko am the King of the pack, I was tasked to protect the last of our kind and I must help protect my pride from the harshest of conditions and scenarios. We are mapped and Semi-Lit RPers! Our requirements are few, no tacky letters after your name, no making you change appearance (unless said otherwise), no pushing or shoving!

Neon colors we like to see the most are, Blue, Pink, Red, Purple (Obviously), Green etc. Our Pelts are Ashened, which means like Gray, light gray, black (not pitch black) and even tan. They are most favored because it blends in with our surroundings and fits the theme better. Our trade marks, which are optional, are glowing eyes and big pointed ears.

We are mapped, so please only join if you know how to download maps.

We do have a website!

We are currently working on a youtube channel and will be making MV's and just silly movies and maybe even probably a short drama series??

If you would like to join, whisper Fauxx in-game or simply shoot a request! We would love to have a huge bumbling pride!

(We also accept rival prides/packs/clans)[/color]

If you would like to join and want to be all professional, give me your name, age, what rank you would like and a short bio (or long, I don't care)


The King and Queen
The King is the highest rank in the pride along with the Queen. Their job is to see over the pride and make sure things are done as supposed to, and make hard decisions when the time comes. The current King is Miko, and the Queen rank is still up for grabs.

Second in Command
The second in Commands job is to take care of the pride and do the King and Queen's job when they are away. The Second in command rank currently belongs to Ruu.

Guard and Lead Guard
The Guard's job is to protect the Pride and the territory from any threats. The guard rank can have unlimited felines, but the Lead Guard Rank belongs to Marvin as of right now.

Hunter and Lead Hunter
The Hunter's job is to collect food for the pride, and go out on Hunting patrols occasionally so the pride doesn't run out of food. The Hunter rank can have unlimited felines, but The Lead Guard rank is currently Open.

Healer and Lead Healer
Healers are the felines that are supposed to take care of the injured and sick, they are required to know the herbs and gather herbs when needed. There may be unlimited Healers, but the Lead Healer rank is still Open.

Warriors and Lead Warrior
The Warriors Job is to protect the pride and fight when necessary, The Warrior Rank may hold an unlimited amount of cats, but the Lead Warrior rank is still open.

Be aware that Lead ranks are given based on performance and activity.

The type of Fire your Fire Cat owns is determined by their color, they can wield very weak magic properties from the fire crystals found in DragonFire. They are an ancient energy source which have been harvested by the cats who live there to help aid in fights, hunting and healing.

I'll list their abilities below and as we gain more colors I'll add on to the list!

The Purple Crystal Guardians
The Purple fire is Toxic. They can wield fire that not only burns their enemies, but can poison them or paralyze them to an extent. Guardians of the purple crystal usually have purple markings along their body and darker colored fur.

The Green Crystal Guardians
Holders of green fire are best known for their healing properties. All firecats can heal, but green fire cats have the strongest healing magic. They are generally healers in the pride, but many like to be other ranks, like a hunter or warrior. They tend to have green markings on their pelt.

The Blue Crystal Guardians
The blue fire is the coldest of fires. Guardians of the blue crystal can wield icy magic that allows them to freeze their enemies or stun them. They usually have blue markings and are a much lighter grey, almost white.

The Red Crystal Guardians
The cats who guard the red crystal are hardy cats and harbor great passion. They can control raw flames from within their hearts and can can scorch their enemies with their red flames. They tend to have red markings on their pelt and are ashy grey to black.

NOTE: You do not have to be a guardian if you don't want to be, but all firecats can wield fire with their hearts, if they choose to.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 01:59:49 am by Kitty »