Author Topic: Forgotten and Unwanted AD  (Read 1259 times)

Offline LasVagas

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Forgotten and Unwanted AD
« on: March 29, 2012, 06:14:24 pm »
Hello! This is a ad for my friend from the off topic board.

                                                 What do we accept?

Chimeras: They don't have extra animal heads, their heads are that of a normal dogs but they might have something like body and tail part lizard or bird wings and front chest area plus front legs feathers. You can't make it too big, it has to be easy to tell it's a dog. They can have multiple species combinations as long as it's mostly dog and has only 1 head, the dogs normal head. Antlers/horns are fine. Yes you can have a character with only 2 or 3 heads but they all have to be dogs and the limit for both is 1 like that. They wanted to see if it was possible to take genetic traits from another animal and put it on a normal dog, but they get more than the specific fur patterns. Instead they got things like half the animals body or wings. There were extra of tails sometimes, half the time they are the same breed tail like fox tails. Some times the subject has extra limbs by the tests.

Cyborgs: originally supposed to be normal looking dogs with their organs and skeleton made of metal, plastic, and rubber to increase their power and ability so they can see farther, smell more, hear almost everything, run and jump higher/faster, and be stronger. The only downside was that the metal was to large for the flesh to cover over so it shows on the canines exterior instead of looking like a normal canine. Yes they were given things like a lazer eye or syringe/bear-trap fangs.

Gore hounds: The dogs that are well alive and have personality. There sare many cases they were used for but most the time they are used as dummy's for them to test toxic chemicals on. Sometimes they test the ability to bring them back to life seeing if the dogs will spring back, it's a rare test but seems to be successful always for the dog has it's memory and personality back when it awakes. These guys are pretty much the useless ones to the lab since they are only used for testing chemicals.

White Coats: They are pretty much the bad guys of the story. They do the extreme experiments and tests on the dogs of their lab. They see the dogs as nothing more but tools most the time. Yes they might bity them at times but that doesn't change a thing, they wont smuggle the dogs out they will still test on them. Besides the small dogs most the time die by the extreme tests and it's hard to sneak out a big dog.

Wild dogs: They have no owner but these canines play an important role to the plot. There might be some that will become enemies to these mutants that escaped the lab, but moth the time others will pity them and even help them, like teaching them how to hunt, kill, and survive on their own. These wild animals are things like foxes, wolves, coyotes, Dholes, Dingos, and Jackals. All of every breed. A bonus I'm including oddly enough is the short-eared dog for out of the wild dogs it's the only one that looks like a dog and is in environment close to ours, however the limit of short eared dogs is 1.

Strays: The dogs that live in the city wild and free. They are often always filthy but at the same time some can still look kinda cute. They, like wild canines, have no master but might help the mutants survive the city. Strays often travel in packs and despise human life most the time, so they resent humans and envy pets, thus they really have the pets even if they aren't bad themselves. Strays are often a little hostile and cautious cause they need to me when in the city. Most the time these strays are mutts, mixed breeds between two kinds of dogs. Since lkittle dogs can't survive big dogs that well often times the strays are big dogs

Pets: Pampered and sometimes even spoiled. They vary to hating getting their paws wet or rolling in mud. They are almost often seen either at their house or otherwise on a walk. Most the time they are friendly and welcoming to almost anyone, others are stuck up snobs just cause of their pedigree. The breeds are half the time purebreed pedigree dogs or show dogs but then you got your tomboyish agility playful mixed breeds. The dogs are any kind from tosa, to corgi, even typical labs.

Humans: They are the weird sort you don't know how to judge. Some are masters some live alone some have family's some don't. Most the time they will be panicked by the mutant dogs at first but it depends on what they do next that defines them. A human is one you don't know what they will do next, but if you had a master you will understand them and their speak.

So you wanna join? GREAT! Please look at this link.It is a amazing rp.
