Author Topic: The Star Pack (New! Needs Members! Working on map!)  (Read 1425 times)

Offline Skynea

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The Star Pack (New! Needs Members! Working on map!)
« on: March 20, 2012, 05:48:11 pm »
We respect the stars and the Moon, for we were born under them.

1. Don't bully/ be mean to someone. You will be exiled from this pack if you get three warnings
2. No godmodding/powerplay e.g "kills everyone."
3. Never kill,hurt and/or put a pup in any danger or in pain. If you killed a pup in anyway, you will be exiled.
4. Follow all FeralHeart rules.
5. Be nice to members. Your character can be the big loser but be nice in OOC!
6. Don't curse, swear, or say bad words. *Waves to young child*
7. You can gorge and do blood things but not to much. People will become sick/scared.
8. Please be active. If you don't make it to the roleplay in two weeks or more then you will be put in the inactive list until you proved that you are active again. If you are going on a vacation or you can't get on for a while then please pm me/post here so I can put you in the AFK list.
9. Have fun!


When there was no wolves, no wolf prey, or anything to do with wolves, the stars wanted to create a new kind of life. They thought he should make it like a dog, but more graceful, and stronger. And that was how they thought of wolves. The stars made their prey, their dens, they made the perfect drinking water, and the best territories. Then they made the members of the first wolf pack.

March 19: Packs Made!
March 20: Turned into one pack.

Joining Application:

Code: [Select]
In-game user-name:

Rival/Ally Application:
Code: [Select]
Name of the pack/pride/clan/group:
Leader(s) name(s):
Group's link:
Allies or rivals?:
Why you want to be allies/rivals with TSP?:

More things will be added soon!

« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 06:14:42 pm by Isabella »

Offline Skynea

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Re: The Star Pack (New! Needs Members! Working on map!)
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2012, 07:11:20 pm »
Members and Ranks

Only one female and one male. They lead the pack, tell them what to do, and have meetings, which sometimes lead to war and more.

Name: Dara
In-game user-name: Skynea
Age: 29 (Wolf Years)
Gender: Female
Picture/Screen-shot: Coming soon!
Rank: Leader
Pack: Star
Mate: Whoever chooses to be the male Leader
Pups: None
History: Look at the pack history!
Personality: Adventurous, clever, will do anything to make her pack better.

Only one female and one male. Mostly, the deputies are lead hunters, border wolves, and/or warriors, they lead hunting parties, lead border patrols, and help around camp. If a female deputy has pups then her sister, mother, cousin etc. will take her place until the female deputy's pups are apprentices.

Medicine Wolf and Medicine Wolf Apprentice
Only one medicine wolf and apprentice. They heal and take care of sick and hurt wolves until they are better.

They hunt for prey, they are very fast and have sharp claws and teeth for catching prey. They can also dig holes to store food for winter.

Border Wolves
They are very sneaky and they have a great nose for sniffing out enemies. They can swim while patrolling so prey and enemies wont find their scent.

The wolves who sent messages to other packs, prides, clans and groups and spy on rival packs. they also help hunting, checking the borders and help guarding the nursery and elders den from rival wolves.

the strongest wolves in the pack. They guard, fight and train warrior apprentices. When war comes, these wolves are ready to fight and few of them guard the nursery and the elder's den.

Mothers and female-helpers of the pups. Two months or a month before the pups are born, the female wolf leave her rank and Becomes a pup-mother until her pups are apprentices. Sometimes, a pup-mother will stay in the nursery to take care of another pup-mother's pups and help out.

Baby wolves who are less than 13 months old and the future of the pack. These baby wolves are always protected and cared for by everyone in the pack. The pup-mothers raise them and take care of them until they are apprentices.

Pups who are 13 months old and pups/wolves who are training. Most of them are warriors/borders/hunters/ medicine wolf when they are 15-20 months old or sometimes longer.

The wisest and the oldest wolves of the pack. They are treated the same way as pup-mothers and pups. They tell pups and apprentices stories about the past and the battles they faced while they were younger.

AFK, Active, And Inactive Members List
(I won't put anything in here till first roleplay)



« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 08:11:56 am by Isabella »

Offline Skynea

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Re: The Star and Moon Pack (New! Needs Members! Working on map!)
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 07:58:54 am »
I'll make it just one pack, it will probably be easier.