Author Topic: D.Grey-man RP/Randomness on FH/  (Read 2673 times)

Offline QuickSilver

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D.Grey-man RP/Randomness on FH/
« on: March 25, 2012, 10:57:56 pm »
-this is my first time posting on the fourms-
(Please Read EVERYTHING)
Are you a anime lover? have you ever wanted to be in a anime rp?
Well now im opening a D.Grey-Man RP! (ive done/have a Black Butler RP)
In game if intrested, please Whisper Quicksilver (due to a glitch you'll see my user as QuickSilver but eather will work in whispering me) or search for D.Grey-Man Rp/Randomness to join! We have Allen Walker and Timcanpy but we need everyone else! I cant say when ill be on and when not because the times im on are always diffrent. but i CAN in fact say that i will probably not be on Weds-Fri though this might change and i might be on.
Dont see me on fh? Well just drop by the groups chatroom! I have this chatroom for the days when i, or someone else, am not on fh or cant get on fh. like if the game crashes or someones game stops working. we can go to this easy to do chatroom!

All characters are allowed to join the group, and i welcome DGM OCs (own characters/ a character you made yourself) and dont get upset if the group already has your character! Ill welcome doubles of the same character due to the times when people can get on or not. but please, if theres another character in the group make sure your posts are atleast a bit diffrent. like by adding your username to the post, like;
<Allen Walker> (Quicky) -turns to Tim and holds out hand for him to land-
<Allen Walker> (GC) -looks at other Allen and smerks evily-

this would greatly reduce the confusion and might make the rp more fun!

---<Group Rules for FH>---

No godmoding
No using colerful language (-Removed by Moderator-, damn, and others not included)
Be fair to others and dont hog a battle, be aware of others posts
The first one who posts does the action, this may be discused by the players

I know these are kinda strickt, im not a strickt person but i will NOT take godmods into the rp. Language is to be kept minamal at best but i would prefur for there to be none at all. Also, i would like for everyone who joins to have atleast seen the first 30 eps of the anime or to have read the manga. Also! if theres any bullying, or other stuff going on i will not like it. so please be nice to everyone in group, and better yet, why not be nice alltogether? it IS a GAME so why not have fun, and make it fun for others? If theres a audiance watchign the RP, i may ask for everyone to move to local, to group, or to party, whichever one fits best for the occasion.
WE ARE MAPLESS!!!! The reason being for those who cant download maps to join and feel involved in something fun!

Godmoding Samples;
((godmod posts are in []))
<RandomAkuma> -attacks Allen-
<Allen Walker> -blocks attack with right hand and slices akuma in half with anti-akuma weapon-
<RandomAkuma> -[keeps attacking]-
Allens post of '-blocks attack with right hand and slices akuma in half with anti-akuma weapon-' is not godmoding because it happens in the anime. RandomAkumas post however, is a godmod post because of the fact that he/she got sliced in half and is still attacking. Anyone with the chara of RandomAkuma can say '-Another akuma comes over a house and attacks Allen from the side-' Since the character of <RandomAkuma> can be more than one akuma.

Language that is NOT Allowed contains any sexual language/actions as is now considered aganst the FH rules by the Admins. I will not allow the use of the language that is 10+ if you wouldnt say it to a young childs face, then dont use it in rp.

Battlehog Samples;
(battlehog posts will be in {})

<RandomAkuma> -gets ready to kill a little girl-
<Allen Walker> -attacks akuma-
<RandomOC> {-attacks and kills all the akuma-}

I think the explanation for this is universal, if the whole rp was like this is wouldnt last a few minutes! thats like saying '-walks up to the Earl and stabs him-' it would end the rp before it even begins!

---<Chatango Rules>---

Same as the FH Rules, Any who break these rules will get a warning by the Admin, SilverVampireWolf. those who ignore the Admins warnings will be baned for a short time (about an hour) then will be unbaned. if the person still dosnt listen to the rules they will be baned permanitly. SilverVampireWolf is a friend of mine who made this chatroom for the rp due to a request from me. she does as she sees fit in HER chatroom. she has an OC in which she might join the rp. his name is General Archer and has a gollem named Arrow. She is a great rper and will gladly liven things up if it gets a little boring.

You CAN talk about other things than rping!! talk about whatever if your not rping! you can just hang if you want i dont care! its a game/chatroom have as much fun as you want!

I hope to see you in-game or in the chatroom! Ill gladly take all!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 09:41:20 pm by Kynvuu »