Author Topic: The felines of Ashwick ~ Coming Soon~  (Read 1305 times)

Offline ArashiAndAme

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The felines of Ashwick ~ Coming Soon~
« on: May 22, 2012, 08:14:57 pm »
..In this ancient village known as Ashwick, felines rule and thrive in the shadows...
..Alliances are forged.. and broken..
..The past will come back to haunt the future..
...Life around this place seems to stop all together..
..A dark threat lurks awaiting for its time to strike..
Although..there may be hope still..
..A hero will rise and bring everyone together...
..Evil will fall down in Ashes..
...But..that is still a far time away..let us start from the begining, shall we?

 Human have long gone away from this small village, but their ways have stayed with us. Making use of the abandoned houses, port and farm we created our own little paradise. Its not perfect but we make due. Our neighbors trade with us for important necessities in which they or we could not gather on our own.

~Previous Roleplay summary~
none yet

Neighboring pride/pack/clan:
none looking!!

1. no godmodding powers
3. realistic colors drama queens
5. mating is in whisper
6.Dont steal my map
7. have fun!

Time Zone

Work in progress

_Preset links_

To apply
Code: [Select]
Pitcure: ((not needed))
Name of character:
Username in/out of game:
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Roleplay Sample:[/center]
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 08:59:32 pm by Arashiandame »

Offline ArashiAndAme

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Re: The felines of Ashwick ~ Coming Soon~
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2012, 08:16:05 pm »
<<Ranks and roles>>

The leader of the village, he/she controls the trading routes and jobs of the members. They have the most amount of power over everyone. Deals with battle plans and or attacks.

Secound highest rank, he/she helps keep everyone in mint condition, gets their herbs from the explorers. If anyone if feeling sick they can go to the healer and get a antidote to help cure them. Advise's the Chief. They will have two assitants to help out and learn the ways in case of a emergencies.

Studying battle moves and ways to pin your attacker, these felines have learned the ways of war, if worse comes to worse they will be battle ready in a moments notice.(few are a part time Explorer or Instructor)

The main hunters of the village they help keep everyone well fed and healthly (few are a part time Explorer or Instructor)

>>Part time Jobs<<

The few who have this job, go out and either locate herbs, bedding or basically anything the Healer asks for.

The felines who fall in this rank, teach the young about life and how to thrive in the village.

>>The young and restless<<

<<The Kits>>
Any kitten below the age of 8 full moons fall under this rank, since their birth they have watched their parents and surrounding members do their jobs. Once they get to 8 full moons they will choose a job and stick with it.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 08:38:13 pm by Arashiandame »