Author Topic: ?Sundista? Kingdom RP?Map W.I.P.?Lions and Wolves accepted?Now Accepting?  (Read 1514 times)

Offline WolfBrother

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About the Sundista clan: The Sundista clan has been around for many generations, we are actually a clan that has been in many MMO computer games not just animal one either. But now we have decided to make a clan on Feral Heart, so here we are. The creators of this clan include me and one of my close friends (He does not play FH). Anyway if you take the time to read this thread you could become part of the action as well, and maybe just maybe reach God mode (You will learn about all the modes later.

How to join:To be apart of us you must follow all these requirements, we are Literate, semi-realistic, long-term, and active. Also we do not like trolls, so do not just join if all you want is a map to run around in, RP here and there, and not follow our rules, I will kick you from the group and ban you from the map! This RP has rules and we expect you to follow in those rules, who likes someone that doesn't follow the rules and can do what ever they want? Think about it, not many people like them.
Also we do not accept people who join and do not RP, if you just RP once in awhile and always stay OOC you will be kicked. Now please read the rules very closely!

1. You must be active, if you are not active for more then 1 week I will kick you.
2. We do not require an RP sample, you sample will be how you RP in the map, and if I and others see you are illiterate I will not hesitate to kick you with no warning.
3. You must follow all the Feral Heart rules, they are put there for a reason.
4. No godmodding, yes! Gods will have powers but they are not indestructible!
5. No random den claiming/territory claiming! If you would like one den for your family ask first! And you must have at least 3 members of your family, if not you SHARE!
6. If you will be inactive due to real life things, please inform me or a mod of the group.
7. Mod positions will be offered, or you may ask for one, I will put an application at the bottom for that. If mods are assigned there names will be placed to where you can see them. And don't impersonate a mod, that's a good way to get you kicked out.
8. Please make sure you read these rules carefully and understand them.
9. Have fun!!!

Positions (Highest to Lowest):
God: This is the highest rank! It is not given, you must apply for it when the applications are open. All gods have 3 powers (you may pick). They use it to protect the people of Sundista. However they are not indestructible, they can get hurt badly, when this happens their powers are weak. Gods also live in the highest part of the map, please remember they are regular wolves, not like Zues and stuff. There will be 2 Sundista gods and one Underworld god (He sends demons to do is evil deeds) he is the Sundista gods brother. After gods will pass their sons will take the throne, or they can make a Sundista a god.
Angel: This is the next rank below god, Angels are the ones who are sent to help the citizens. The citizens do not know when an Angel is coming, and do not know if an Angel is one of their friends. Angels look like regular wolves, and have white wings (Wings are invisible to regular wolves, and yes your character can actually have the wings), when a regular wolf dies they either become an Angel from great deeds, or are sent to the underworld. They also try and stop the Agrith-Naar to stop from tormenting citizens. They are warriors!
Agrith-Naar: They are the underworld demons, and yes they are evil! The god of the underworld sends them to torment the citizens. They have black wings (Invisible to citizens, and yes your character can actually have the wings), also when a regular wolf dies they will either become an Angel or be sent to the underworld and become a Agrith-Naar. And remember regular wolves think that the Agrith. is just a regular wolf!
King: Is the male ruler of the kingdom, he lives in the largest den with his family.
Queen: Is the female ruler of the kingdom, the King's mate. (You should know what they are)

Prince:The male son of the King and Queen, if the oldest, he will become the next         ruler.
Princess:She is the daughter of the King and Queen, if the oldest, she will become the next ruler.
Head Warrior:This position is an honor to have, mostly whoever has this has worked hard to get here, and showed their bravery! They are in charge of everything below the King and Queen, they are even in charge of all the heads!
Warrior:Warriors are the army, the have been train to fight off any animals that come from outside the gate of the kingdom.
Head Guard:Head Guard tells the guards what to do! His the man! :P
Guard:The guards, guard the royal family and the citizens. They stand at the gates of the royal's den and the entrance to the kingdom. They also walk around the kingdom making sure everyone follows the law.They are the police!
Head Scout:Head of the Scouts. they tell the scouts when to check out an area, or what position to watch over.
Scouts:The scouts are wolves/lions that go out with 1 guard to make sure their are no animals lurking around the kingdom.
Head Medic:The head of the Medics, they tell them when they need more supplies and stuff.
Medic:Medics use herbs to heal the wounded, herbs are usually found in the forest.
Middle:Most of you will fall under this position, in less you ask the Head of a Medic or Guard for training! Warrior only comes if you are a guard and shown your abilities! This rank is also used for pup/cub watchers!
Apprentice: Pups/cubs that are over the age of 6 and are in training for a rank, that is if their parents let them! If their parents don't approve then the pup/cub will just become a Middle until he or she has reached 2 and decide their own fate.
Pup/Cub: Any wolf/lion that is under the age of 6months. They are dependent on their family, for food,etc.

Position (God is not open yet):
Bio (Optional):
In-game user:

Mod Application
If you would like to be a Mod of the group please fill this out

How active are you:
Why you think you deserve this position as mod:

« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 10:35:19 pm by Wolf »

Offline WolfBrother

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You need to download these items, they are used for some of the positions look below!
What you position can wear :
                              (Required-Must have)
Everyone: Necklaces, ear feathers, and ear rings. (Choice)
Gods: Wings (Required White)
Angels: Wings (Required White)
Agrith-Naar: Wings (Required Black), Antlers (Choice), Horns (Choice), Spine (Choice)
Head Warrior: Spiky Caller (Choice), Gold Helmet (Required)
Head Guard: Spiky Caller (Choice), Gold Helmet (Required)
Head Scout: Spiky Caller (Choice), Gold Helmet (Required)
Warrior: Silver Helmet (Required)
Guard: Silver Helmet (Required)
Scout: Silver Helmet (Required)

The requires are there so others know your position.

Name Tags (Put the letter given by your position at the end of your name)
God- Put a G
Angel- Put an A
Agrith-Naar- Put an AN
King- Put a K
Queen- Put a Q
Prince- Put a P
Princess- Put PR
Head Warrior- Put HW
Head Guard- Put HG
Head Scout- Put HS
Warrior- Put W
Guard- Put G
Scout- Put a S
Head Medic- Put HM
Medic- Put a M
Middle- Put a MD
Apprentice- Put AP
Pup/cub- Put a C or P

Please put a space then the letter!

Map Download
Coming soon!


Offline WolfBrother

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Head Warrior


Head Guard


Head Scout


Head Medic




