Author Topic: [In The Making] 'The Valley'  (Read 1249 times)

Offline DarkWolffen

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[In The Making] 'The Valley'
« on: February 22, 2013, 12:58:27 pm »
Hello! Wolffen here.  8)

For quite some time, I've been working on a new map, which is beyond anything I've ever tried. It was requested by a friend and because I'm an idiot, I said I'd give it a go. So, long story short, life has gotten in the way and this map has been collecting dust for a couple weeks. Now, I'm here, making this thread, because I want to try and motivate myself to finish the darn thing. I'm also hoping that by some miracle, my friend will stumble across this thread and read that I am very sorry for having not finished it yet.

Sooooo, I've got some screenies of the map so far. Please keep in mind that it is very early and I haven't even finished the height map yet, but I've been adding things in as I go, which proves to be far more interesting. There are some very cool areas which I've fixed up, which I am quite proud of, so take a look. :)

Piccie #1
I am very proud of this little corner. It's embedded within the cliffs, keeping it reasonably hidden, but you don't have to go on a journey to find it. It features a waterfall, which appears out of a rock for no reason, that flows into a small pool. Next to that is a series of steps that lead to a cave. It's a very cute little area. ^^

Piccie #2
These three waterfalls aren't quite what I was going for, but I decided to just leave them as they are. You can see that I've tried to decorate them a little with a flower terrain, which will pop up more as the map progresses. The great thing about these waterfalls is that they also appear out of no where. XD

Piccie #3
One of (currently) two high rises in the map. I'll prissy it up a bit later on, but it'll just serve as a meeting spot or a little hangout.

Piccie #4
Probably the better of the two high rises, because this one has a pool of water, which came into existence by accident. Still, it adds a unique feature and I quite like it. I plan to stick a cave on top of this land mass, after I've smooth out the very top and round the edge a bit more.

Piccie #5
You can't see much from the picture, but there is a huge crack in the ground, which extends into the hill. I had a spare crack lying around from experimenting with a different part of the map and decided to see what'd happen if I put it in a hill. I was quite surprised with the effect, so I kept it. I'll work on that area later, but I hope to make it look great.


Okay, so I've been working on the map a little more, adding more things, making it a bit more pretty, etc. I've got some cool new areas to show you, but you'll notice I'm still lacking a terrain map. I may leave that until the end, because I know how I want most of this to look and which bit needs to be what terrain.

Piccie #6
I am loving this little area. It's probably the most detailed one I've worked on before and it features multiple waterfalls that appear at different heights. The way I got the idea for the little stream to run across the path was just a stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. There was a dent where there shouldn't have been so I thought 'Hey, put water in it.' That then escalated to 'Hey, make it bigger to make a stream and then put in a bunch of waterfalls.'
This high part took me a while to do, but it worked out nicely.

Piccie #7
Alright, so there's another high point that just appears out of no where. I'm quite fond of them, because they're something new for me to work with. I was going to use the very top as a place to put a cave, but I think I'll use the second highest platform for it, because it's nicely shielded.

Piccie #8
Ah yeah, this little cave. This has been around for quite a while, but I couldn't think of a decent way to put a top on it, so I left it. In the end I settled for a massive rock, which I'll probably change later on. For now, it shows a cute little cave wedged in a cliff.

Piccie #9
Yet another high point, but this one was a lot more basic. It was much too rectangular for my liking, so I spiced it up by adding an odd shape to it, then a pool at the bottom. I'll probably put a cave up the top.

Piccie #10
This is just another waterfall area. I'm not sure if I like the way I've done it, so I'll probably change it back to how I had it originally.

Piccie #11
You'll have to use your imagination for this one. All those high, rough rises will have a rock terrain on them. I'll smooth out and flatten some areas and put in some caves later on, but it'll be a really cool area when it's done.

So, that's it for now. This post will probably get edited over time, so check back if you like it. Thanks for reading. :)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 01:37:08 pm by C.Wolffen »

Offline iceshard

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Re: [In The Making] 'The Valley'
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2013, 08:15:11 pm »
Quite interesting! i hope to see more in the future!

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: [In The Making] 'The Valley'
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 11:46:30 pm »
Wow looks like a really cool design so far =o I can't wait until you finish it, I look forward to the final product :3!

Offline DarkWolffen

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Re: [In The Making] 'The Valley'
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2013, 01:38:21 pm »
Thanks. ^^ I can't wait until it's finished and I certainly hope it'll look as great as I picture it. :D