Author Topic: Sweet As Honey, Book 1 [WIP][Come check it out :)]  (Read 2114 times)

Offline Celeyan

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Sweet As Honey, Book 1 [WIP][Come check it out :)]
« on: May 06, 2012, 12:11:33 am »
A pack rests in a calm forest, but for now, snowy forest with not that much food. They await the spring, which was supposed to come early, but it has not come yet at all. Another danger, is the two legged creatures that roam the forest at night, and while they have food, the leaders will not allow anyone to eat it. But, the world is out to get this pack, because another wolf pack has come into the forest, and had demanded they move. Being the stubborn pack that they were, they fought back, and the rival pack lost. But they moved to another land, but still wish to get their revenge and get the others land, and the worse part is, is that they are growing in numbers. Soon, when spring comes finally, a group of pups are born, they were the leaders pups. The four of them were all healthy, and they would be strong, quick, and great hunters. But another is born, which is smaller than the rest. Her name, is runt, for she is one. Runt must deal with the hardships of the forest, her commanding father, and her mentor who seems to push her harder than he is supposed too. She must also deal with the bullies, who tease her and fight her everyday. Her family, except her mother and siblings think that she has no talents, and is a waste of food. But one day, when it seems they are in danger of being killed, will she find her talents?


The grass blew calmly in the warm breeze of the wind, flowers swaying from side to side as birds flew overhead. A pack of wolves rest in the middle of this clearing, surrounded by a dense forest. A small stream rest near the group of wolves, and continued into the forest which then formed into a lake. Usually, the wolves were calm, doing average things and socilazing with others. But today, they were frantic and a bit excited, and one wolf, the male alpha of the pack named Lorel, was frantically jumping and dancing next to a small hole in the ground. Inside of the hole was a female wolf, resting next to four furry puppies. She smiled at them both, and licked the forehead of one, he was brown, with one black paw. "You will be named Ace, you will be a handsome pup, I can picture females all over you." The mother smiled, then licked the forehead of another one, a girl. She was all black like her father, while her ear tips were white and the tip of her tail was grey. "You will be named Tiva, since you already seem to be shoving you're siblings out of the way." The mom let out a chuckle, nudging Tiva to her side then moving the others. She then moved on to the next, licking his forehead which made him let out a small noise. He was a chocolate brown, with a white underbelly and paw. "You will be named Singer, for you're beautiful voice." The wolf smiled, nuzzling him again as he let out another noise. Lorel then came in, tail wagging furiously as he eyed his pups. He looked at the remaining pup, an all black one. "Ill name that one, Shadow." He said with a small grin, shifting in the small den.

He was happy, all of his pups were healthy and well. But then he turned to his mate, noticing her busy with something else. "Xenia?" He spoke, looking at her with concern and worry. She glanced at him, then nudged a pup forward. He took a sniff, and backed up a bit. The pup was too small, and it was not breathing. He watched for a bit, ears flattened. It was a runt. But soon, it let out a small noise, taking in its first breathe of the world as her mother nudged the small pup to her side. "Kill it." The father said angrily, eyes slightly narrowed as he looked at the pup. "No! Just because shes small does NOT mean that she won't help the pack." The female snarled, giving him a look which sent chills down his spine. "Fine." He said, his tail moving into a small wag as he sighed, looking at the pup which sported its mother's brown pelt, but it had his white paws. The male walked out, looking at his pack. "Four healthy pups...and a runt." The pack broke out into gasps, and then chatter. "End that pup!" "Congratulations!" "Eww, A runt!" "A runt, thats a sign from the heavens!" "How will we survive?" The wolf growled, barking at them aggresively. "Shut up!" He snarled, sitting down as he let out an angry snort. "The runt will live, we will see if it has talents." Some in the pack rolled their eyes, and left. While others seemed unaffected and nodded. Lorel then padded over to a rock, plopping down on it with a small snort as he curled up and closed his eyes, trying to get this 'dream' out of his head. How would his pups survive? was the last thought he had before he fell asleep.

Please comment :o, I wanna know if I should continue..
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 03:50:04 pm by Meowzers »


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Re: Sweet As Honey, Book 1 [WIP][Come check it out :)]
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2012, 12:38:35 am »
You MUST continue, Meowzers. This story is wonderfully detailed and I can't wait for the next part if you go and write the rest of it.

Offline Celeyan

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Re: Sweet As Honey, Book 1 [WIP][Come check it out :)]
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2012, 04:23:41 pm »
Chapter 1: The Outside World

The puppies' eyes are open, and they are old enough to leave the den and walk

Runt's Point Of View

I let out a quiet yawn, shifting in my slumber as I let out a content sigh. I heard my siblings move next to me, before I felt something latch onto my tail. I let out a painful yelp, leaping into the air and hitting my head on the dirt ceiling. I let out a quiet whine, looking at my brother, Ace who looked at me with a small smirk. I growled, jumping at him as we tussled around our den. "Pups, Calm down." I heard a voice say, and I whined, kicking my brother off. "He started it!" I grumbled, glaring at him. Ace laughed, and I was about to jump at him again but my mom placed her paw on my tail. "Don't you all want to look nice today for you're father?" She asked, smiling. Oh! Today was the day were we would meet that black wolf who came and always gave us food! But..he always seem to glare at me. Maybe it was because I was too messy. I jumped forward, smiling. "I want the bath first, momma!" I said, watching as Ace gagged and my other siblings were starting to wake up. "Okay, Okay." My mother said with a gentle chuckle, I always loved her sweet and calming voice. I then got my bath, and my messy fur was flattened down but I was still a bit fluffier then my family. My tail gave a brisk wag, as she nudged my away slowly then moved on to a squirming Ace. "Momma!" He groaned, flailing his paws as he was put down and given his bath. I chuckled, though smiled at him. "You look good!" I complimented, watching as he blushed and looked at the ground. "Thanks, Sis." I heard him grumble and I giggled. After we were all clean, we had some food, which was our mother's milk, before she allowed us to wait infront of the den. I imagined what it would look like, maybe a giant den full of things to play with! Finally, my mom crawled up to the wonderful world and stretched, and called us up. I pushed past my siblings, though fell back as they shoved past me and ran outside. I whimpered, but ran out aswell, and I was amazed at what I saw.

Everything was beautiful! I scampered around, giggling at the soft green strands that tickled my muzzle. I jumped in it, falling over and rolling in the green stuff as I came to another thing, A flower! I sniffed it, though sneezed as I fell back. I smiled, watching as a small insect landed on the flower. I jumped back, and into my mother. "Momma whats that?" I asked, pointing to the thing that fluttered about on the daisy. "Thats a butterfly." She said, nudging me against my will back to the flower. I let out a gulp, but jumped at the flower, watching as the butterfly flew away saying a few curses. I tilted my head at her words, but looked around. I saw rocks, twigs, trees, flowers, and this new thing called water and grass. But then a scent hit my nose, a delicous scent which came to the middle of this wonderland, Something was there, covered in blood and it was brown. It had antlers on its head, and the wolves were eating from it. It looked weird, I sniffed again, and the scent came again and I padded over. Immediatly a wolf snapped at me, and I ran back to my mother with a small whine. She sighed, and licked my forehead as the black wolf came towards her, he nuzzled her, and laid down next to her as he looked at me with a curious glance. I smiled, eyeing him as I jumped about, tail wagging. "Hi, f-f-fath-er? Father?" I spoke, trying hard to speak the word as I let out a sheepish grin. The wolf didn't seem amoused and turned away back to my  mother. I let out a sad whine, and padded off, only to be knocked over by my siblings running to my dad. He looked a them, grinning and licking them, even allowing them on his back and letting them slide down. I wanted to join, and ran back over, but when he saw me, he quickly turned and ran with the pups on his pack, laughing. My mother came over as I felt a few tears fall from my mismatched eyes, One was blue, and one was brown. She nuzzled me sadly, and laid her muzzle on my head. Soon, I heard something flying ahead and I looked up, it was black like my dad and it had wings. "Thats Crow." My mom spoke, in a slight growl. The crow landed, looking at all the pups before looking at me. "Oh, you're a small pup." He spoke, wings flapping in my face a bit as I snapped at it. "Whats you're name?" He asked, and I replied. "Runt." He let out a laugh, and I jumped at him, knocking him over as I bared my teeth. "Whats wrong with my name, huh?" I growled, watching as he looked on fearfully. My mom pushed me off, and I snarled, padding off. But I still could remeber the rush that came to me when I saw the vein on his throat.. I shook the thoughts away and sighed, laying my head on my paws.

My mother talked with that piece of trash named Crow, and I frowned. What was wrong with my name? And why am I so small? I bit at the flower in anger, but a wolf stopped me, looking at me angrily. "What is a runt like you doing near my den?" It hissed, jumping at me as it snapped at my muzzle. I growled back, standing up tall as I barked at him. His eyes widened and he lunged at me, and I turned around, giving him a kick in his eyes. The wolf let out a yelp, backing away as he twisted around and fell over into the stream. I laughed, as he finally regained his eyesight and looked up, glaring at me. He jumped again, and I fell over with a yelp as he placed his paws on my throat. I twitched and squirmed, trying to get air. No..I will not be weak! I angrily opened my muzzle, and chomped down on his paw. The wolf let out a painful howl, and ran around as I was thumped into the ground, hanging onto his paw which sent a pleasent source into my mouth, but I was finally kicked off as blood stained my muzzle. He whimpered, licking his wound as he glared at me, watching as my father walked over and glared at him. "Why were you messing with my pup?" He asked, yellow eyes piercing the wolf as he cowered. "I didn't she bit my paw for no reason!, N-Night!" He lied, and my father jumped on him growling. "You're trying to get into my good graces, Oblit,  you will never be Beta." He said, turning around and walking back to the rock and plopping down, but I watched as he glanced at me again, but this time at least his eyes held pride. I smiled, walking past the wolf as I began to explore some more, and I found a small bush with some rocks were only I could get in. It was a bit spacious, it looked like me and my family's den, but it was comftier. I laid down, rolling in the grass before I heard my mother call me. I ran forward and watching as she dropped something infront of us, it was red, and it smelled delicous. I pounced on it, nibbling on the flesh as I licked my lips. My siblings did the same, and soon the thing was gone. "What was that, momma?" Ace asked, fur a bit messier since he was playing around like I was. "That was meat, you will get that more, not my milk." I let out a sad whine, looking at her. "Awww." I heard my siblings say, but she nuzzled me. "Its time to come inside." She spoke, picking Ace up and walking into the den and we came with her, curling up next to her side as I cuddled. She laid down, falling asleep as I slowly moved, looking outside at the sky. I smiled, closing my eyes as I fell asleep next to the den entrance, tail giving a small wag. And so I slept, under the beautiful night sky.

[I hope you like this extra long chapter, if you want me to keep at this pace, or make even longer ones then please say so :3]

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Re: Sweet As Honey, Book 1 [WIP][Come check it out :)]
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2012, 03:09:33 am »
Moremoremoremoremore! I must read MOOORE. *q*

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