Author Topic: Professor Layton Fans?  (Read 1003 times)

Offline WarriorMoo

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Professor Layton Fans?
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:28:27 am »

"Every puzzle has an answer."

PL fans gather 'round, because I'm sure a true gentleman like Layton is bound to have some!

Ever since 2007-2008, Professor Layton has tested the minds of adoring fans all over the world with clever puzzles. And dang, can they be hard!

Despite all the stress one might experience from solving one of these brain-itching puzzles, the games never cease to amuse with their colorful set of characters and mysteries.


Anyways, of all the characters out there, my favorite is obviously Luke, (See the avatar?) cuz' he's just adorable...I prefer his UK voice over his US one, though.

I'm looking forward to the upcoming game, Mask of Miracles...If only I had a 3DS!!

^ Sofas are awesome.


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Re: Professor Layton Fans?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 01:58:07 am »
Mhhhm! Currently undergoing the process of playing Professor Layton on an emulator and playing the games in order of when they were released (although that's not the stories chronologically...) I had a DS but it broke... but I had Professor Layton games so it's not like it's illegal or anything since I bought the games already! He's quite the gentlemen... and I enjoy the British voice acting. I am looking forward to the Phoenix Wright/Professor Layton cross-over when it comes out. I'm hoping for a US released version but I think it'll only be in Japan... (except I'm sure someone out there will translate).

My first professor layton game was Professor Layton and the Curious Village. My, did that game have an ending twist! Quite clever, I'd say.