Author Topic: A Life Time is to Short  (Read 1586 times)

Offline Spartathewolf

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A Life Time is to Short
« on: June 30, 2012, 08:02:21 am »
     Its suprising how some things seem to happen so quick its blinding. Then things happen so slow it feels like it will be forever till its over, like waiting in a doctors office or the start of a school day. For me it feels like nothing will ever end, everything repeating itself. Getting up, dressed, something in between and then home again to get another night of rest and to sleep it away; only waking to redo it all again. Everyday it's like that around here, ever sense I was a pup... danger...never to be escaped.
    The young wolf darted down the ally, a fresh wound shown on her shoulder, letting the warm blood flow down her leg in rivers and splatter across the ground like rain drops. Air struggled to enter and leave her lungs, she felt deflated and almost ready to give up her effort to flee her enemys. Bloodloss took over letting her collapsed to the ground letting dry dirt and dust fly up around her. Blood slowly ran down the side of her maw as she gave a great deal to retrive the fresh air to store in her sore lungs. Stooping she could hear the thudding of the ones who she fled, mixed with the faint sound of laughter and growling, there claws churning up the dirt as they trotted after her sent.
   The one on the ground is me... the ones following are fellow street dogs, trying to prove there rank out here in the allies. Apperiently I was taking food from there so called territory. The hearts of most dogs are stone cold with ice surrounding.
   There thudding finally stopped and they were so close I could hear them breathing from the enterence to where I collapsed. My yellow eyes narrowed and peered through the now settleing dust, and I could clearly see there wide grins. There fang yellow and un-cleaned for many years while there bodys' were thin like plastic wrap, but there were more of them then me, and im small to start with.
    I got to my paws and gave my silver and white fur a small shake, reading myself to fight of what I could. Letting a growl rumble from deep inside me and echo out of my vocals, I gave a glare and dug my claws into the dirt, readying for what I knew was going to be a fight. The one who countered me in the first place stepped forward, puffing what he had left of his chest.
    "You little rat, we will be fat enough to take on all the territorys after we're done with you!" He growled, half boasting.
    His group laughed and glared over to me with hungering eyes. Half of me though they would never eat there own kind, but then again, what else is there around here. For some reason, the only thing I had was a snappy come back, which was usally led me to trouble.
    "Im the rat? Look who's talking you worthless excuse for a dog, puppies could kick you to the curb."

   They flatted there ears and growled, the one who seemed to be the leader lundged at me and bit into my bad shoulder, digging his infection bringing fangs deeper until I felt another blow to my side, one of his friends rammed his flat head into my side, knocking what air I had gained back out again, leaving me to press against a wall and growl as they swarmed like flys; swipping my claws and landing a good bite on a smalled ones muzzle, leaving it to bleed. Smiling they all begun to snap at me, leaving fresh wounds and re opening healed ones. I let out loud wimpers and howls, pressing against the wall and culing up to protect me stomach.

    "Sparta!" I heard a yowl of anger and more charging paws, I pushed my self as quick as I could behind a cardboard box, thinking it was more of his friends. As I curled up, more snapping and yowling came from outside, and soon fleeing paws. After that, everything was quiet for a moment before the paw steps started again, softer but in a pair as if there was more then one. The box flipped over showing my torn back and sides to who ever it as. Feeling a slick rasp of a tounge I looked up confused, and then let out a sigh of relif as I saw my mother and father standing over me.
   My mother gave me soft licks as my father looked from me and back up at the slightest sound. A tall dark gray dog with medium raggy fur and a torn apart muzzle holding fresh cuts, along with his ear and shoulder. This was my father, a german shepard I think he calls himself. My mother was a white wolf with light gray paw markings and under belly, she only held one scratch above her eye though her fur was ragged from our time in the allies.
   My mother came here from the forest after they humans started hunting down wolves and trapping wolf pups. She thought it would be better to come live with my father, for the safty of my sister and I. In my eyes, it would have been safer to live in the woods, at least then we could hide. Here we cant, unless dumsters count.
         "Sparta darling what have I told you about picking fights. Your only half a year old." My mother spoke softly as she begun to lick my face lovingly.
          " You could have been killed, you mother is right. You should be staying home with your sister until I come home with food." My father broke in, a rumble of disipointment a worry filled his voice. I pressed against my mother, I never liked it when my father was upset with me.
          " Blu she is only a puppy, she snuck out when I was not looking, its my fault." My mother pressed.

          "But I have told her over and over again Moon, it is not safe here for pups." My father pressed back. After that my mother went on licking me as I fell into a deep sleep, tired from everything that had happen. My mother bit into my scruff and all of us headed back for home. Where dinner waited and my sister was alone worried in scared, hidding in the wall hole until we reached home.