Author Topic: Novum Bellum - A Two Pack RP  (Read 1670 times)

Offline .Cannibalistic.

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Novum Bellum - A Two Pack RP
« on: January 27, 2014, 07:22:20 am »
(I have never posted an advertisement here, so bare with me.)

Novum Bellum - New wars.
A literate, plotted, semi-realistic and beautifully mapped role play consisting of two rival packs.

This role play centers around the lives of two packs trying to compete and survive during times of plague and eventually, war.  
The plague, known as the Mortuus, spreads through the air and can infect anyone in a short amount of time.  Signs of it include lack of sleep, loss of appetite, aggressiveness, and eventually pure insanity.  
Caution and fear has caused the two packs, the Kaide Oblivion and the Eva Aupio, to be at each others throats rather than work together, for they truly believe only one shall survive through the time of Mortuus.
There have been three discovered options to surviving the plague...  
One.  A plant known as 'sage' leaves one completely immune for twenty four hours.  It has side effects that cause irritability and, with too much of a dose, hallucinations.  Still, its better than loosing your mind.
Two.  One can sport something to cover their face.  Be it some cloth or a wad of leaves.  It will protect a wolf for a few hours.
Three.  The blood of another...  This is always a last resort.  The blood of one who is not infected will allow one to stay sane for one week.  This is considered a crime.

With sage in short stock and the plague still lurking, the two packs are aggressive and territorial towards each other.

The Kaide Oblivion - The leaders being Violet (.Cannibalistic.)  and Mallek (Stokes), this pack is the more barbaric of the two.  Though warming, protective and welcoming to their loyal members, the Kaide wolves can be very unforgiving when it comes to double crossers and of course, the enemy.  If their members show any signs of the Mortuus plague, they immediately banish, beat, or in some cases kill them.
In short, keep to the pack's good side and they'll protect you with their lives.

The Eva Aupio - Lead under Russa (TalonShard), the pack came into the lands much later than the Kaide.  This pack is much more civil, though of course despises their neighbors.  If they see a member displaying signs of the plague, they do all in their power to protect them.  The Eva Aupio tries to remain secluded and away, though still finds themselves getting into trouble with the Kaide.  

Other Basic Information
-  We switch maps seasonally, having migrations throughout the role play.  As of right now we are on summer, and will stay so for at least a month and a half.

-  We are active throughout the weekends and sometimes evenings on weekdays.

-  We do allow other canines aside from wolves.

-  We do not allow powers, wings, neons, weaponry or armory.  Occasionally we allow some unrealistic colors, but we prefer you stick to mostly realistic colors.

-  Accessories such as collars, necklaces, etc are acceptable.

-  For the 'face cover' part, you are allowed to design your own.  You can get creative with it, it just has to cover the maw.  If you wish not to sport one, you can just stick to sage plants.

- You aren't "required" to be infected by the plague.  No one can make you get infected, though realistically if your character isn't consuming sage or something to prevent the disease, they would catch it.

The Map
Our current map for the season summer is very large, its taken about twenty minutes to give people tours of the map.  It is an island, it rains, it has a vivid sky with many hidden places, a beach, and of course two camps.
It HAS been known to lag, but we have found ways around it to make the lag go away and make it run very smoothly.
Some screenshots of the map can be viewed here:

The site can be found here: BUT it is a WIP and the rankings, traditions, and other basics should be up within a day or two.  

Contact Us:
Make an account on the forum and PM Violet or Kaito, or speak to us in game.  We are trying to recruit each day in the afternoon/evening.  We will be on for sure each weekend.
Violet, recruiter for the Kaide:  .Cannibalistic. in game (Don't forget the period at the end and beginning)
Russa, recruiter for the Eva Aupio:  TalonShard

Application:  (This isn't required, you can always speak to us in game, but if you'd like to fill out a character sheet and inform us you're interested, then fill this out.)

Character name:
Species (of course it must be a canine.  Made up species accepted as long as it isn't unrealistic):
Pack you're applying to:
History (if any):

(I'm going to attempt at organizing and adding to this more later.  This is my first ad.  If you have any questions, try to get in touch with us in game or PM us on our forum!)


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Re: Novum Bellum - A Two Pack RP
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2014, 08:43:12 am »
This sounds very interesting!
Probably going to check it out.  :P

Offline jessi_joy

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Re: Novum Bellum - A Two Pack RP
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2014, 12:58:16 pm »
I am also very interested in this rp, have joined forums and sent a message to Violet :) I'll try and get a hold of someone in game sometime soon hopefully!