Author Topic: My Note About Feralheart, and FH+  (Read 1964 times)

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My Note About Feralheart, and FH+
« on: July 20, 2012, 06:55:47 am »
Alright, I just wanted to speak out about what I like and dislike about FH. If your gonna get mad easily, then dont post. Dont wanna make it a flame war '-'.

Alright. Lets start with the GEWD ONES. By gewd I mean good. So. My favorite part is that you can explore, make friends and mates, adopt pups, hang out yeah yeah but thats regular xD. My most favorite is you can choose between lion, or wolf. But you can make hybrids yeah '-'. So you can make horse hybrids, dragon hybrids yeah  :). Thats my favorite.

Now onto the BAD part about Feralheart. But I wont quit the game because of it ^^.
People, what is wrong with you. Rectenly today I was in Ficho Tunnel and people had this "Fight Center" and I was like "O.o Sounds like a piece of crap" So my pup checked it out and I told him no but then blah drama bomb. But WHO CAME WITH THAT IDEA?!?!?!?!! I want to talk to that person about the Fight Center. Id even know WHY there was a fight center. Just stick with mate center and adoption center -.-. First of all I thought it was rap battles XD. But nope. I heard like "Claws" I mean get over it people, YOUR GONNA GET YOUR CHARACTER KILLED AND U WILL HAVE TO DELETE UR CHARACTER IF DEY GET KILLED! My lord what is with peopele...
Another one is that the people. PEOPLE JUST JUMP ON YOU! Recently on my Hyena charcter I was hanging with my mate and pups and then THIS strange pup keeps jumping on me. People just want to annoy and annoy and annoy I know I block them but on and on and on on and on on and on they just keep JUMPING.
Another one is... Roleplay. Why, WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!!!!!! Its stupid in my opinion. Only RP I am good at is at Fusionfall (look up Fusionmodhq and go to the commuity and click on fourms and see roleplay center) I mean lion king RP? DUMB! Pack RP? DUMB AGAIN! PIECE OF METAL CRAP I JUST WANNA RAGE!!!!! But mostly I dont mind  :D

Now, for Fearlheart+. I recently downloaded it and I had glitches. 1 is that my game turned black. All black, and on the login screen the fields were up but it was corn fields. I found out that FH+ connects into the oringal. Just almost.
My mate told me to download it because there was maps u can download and I was like "Woah..." but then I went into Ficho Cave, horrible part is I fell and cant go back to Bonfire Island again.

Thank you for reading my note on FH and FH+. ~codacc

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Re: My Note About Feralheart, and FH+
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 07:01:21 am »
Why are you on a roleplay game, where things are based around roleplaying entirely, if you think every RP is dumb?

And the fight center? What is wrong with that? People make characters specifically for it, do organised rp fights (Probably terrible and godmoding ones but still) and delete their unused character if they lose. It's not something wrong, and it is another form of fun, like a game.

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Re: My Note About Feralheart, and FH+
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012, 07:01:54 am »
About the fight center;

People have the right to these just as much as a roleplay mate or adoption center. it's no different, and the players know what they're walking into.

People that jump on you can be blocked or ignored, if they see it's not bothering you, they'll get bored and leave soon enough. But if you're egging them on, there's not way they'll stop.

On roleplay. This is your opinion. The game was built around roleplaying, and so, that is why people do it. To each their own, no one said you had to love it. But don't bash it for others.

FH+ has been buggy. That's why the thread was moved. Simba hasn't released an update to fix these things, and so users have put out their own fixes, which you can find here.

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Re: My Note About Feralheart, and FH+
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2012, 11:36:06 am »
I was agreeing with you until the part about roleplaying.

Yes, it's fine if you think that roleplaying is stupid, it's your opinion. I don't think it is stupid, but I am into the forums more.

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