Author Topic: ~ The Sacred Paths; a Warriors RP ~ [ Mapped and Plotted ]  (Read 1467 times)

Offline Tambourine

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~ The Sacred Paths; a Warriors RP ~ [ Mapped and Plotted ]
« on: July 23, 2012, 03:29:22 pm »
Who's side are you fighting for?

I know what your thinking. " Oh, yet another Warriors Rp, please. What makes this one any more different?" Well let me tell you this. I have never found such great people in a roleplay like I have in this one, and I am glad to have become a part of it. Out of the many Warrior Roleplays I have been in, this one stands out to me. I can see myself staying in this rp, long after my current cat passes on. Who am I you ask? My name is Smoke; Leader of the Tribe of the Sacred Caverns.

Three generations have passed since the unspoken clan was demolished for trying to over throw Starclan. The two remaining clans flourished. One in the forest, the other on the prairie. Though they had band together to destroy the clan that is to be unspoken of, the clans soon split to their natural order. In peace, the clans spent their next generation living as they should. Only a few small fights had broken out, but all had been resolved. Now it's the third generation since the big war, and still all remains calm.

In exile, the cats that had been in the great war had fled from the marsh into the mountains. There they learned of ancient cats that had ruled the land before the clans had ever existed. In envy of their ancient power, the remaining cats hoped that in restoring the order of this sacred cavern, that the ancestors would see them and return to give them a better life than Starclan could ever provide. It didn't take until the beginning of the second generation that the cats, long deceased, returned their prayers. Though by doing so, they laid down their laws: All cats must obey their ways, or they shall be sacrificed. Any cat that isn't part of, what they had named, the Tribe of the Sacred Caverns were not meant to live in this forest. So for generations, any cat that had passed their way they captured. If they converted, they would be praised and blessed. If they hadn't joined, they were maliciously murdered as a gift to their new ancestors. In this time, they had remained completely undetected by the clans; learning expert ways of hiding their scents and remaining hidden.
With the third generation well on its way, how long until these three groups meet? What will happen if they do?

We go by a 3 strike rule 3 strikes and you're out!
Some rules may not follow this 3 strike rule, due to the fact they may be worth kicking and or banning on the spot!


1: What admins/leaders say goes! This also applies to MODs, but Admin word is law.

2: Follow your group code! Honestly, if you break those rules it would be like breaking one of ours!

3: Remain literate! This even counts for OOC in most cases! ICly you're minimum sentence requirement is 3-4 sentences long! None of this: Post is here [-Short-] crap. We get it if you do it once in awhile, but if you do it twice in a row or more, you'll get a strike!

4: 1 maybe 2 characters per user! If you have a lead role, the we ask you NOT to make/use any more characters. You must ask to make a new character!

5: NO ANIMALS BESIDES CATS IN THIS MAP/RP! Only leaders/admins have authority to have another animal attack in a scene! Example: [<Joker> BEAR: -Insert action here-] OOCly, NO other characters in the map. If you have something to show then take a screenshot, or drag the person out of the map. No wings either, not even for dead cats!

6: NO making other groups in this map! No Exceptions!

7: No prophecy cats! No cats from the Warrior series! No relations to the warrior cats from the books! No same warrior names! Basically, you must be your own character at all costs.

8: No cussing, inappropriate topics, or spam! If you don't know what spam is, it's repeating numbers, letters, CAPS, posts, etc in a rapid time frame.

9:You must remain realistic! Kits are basically helpless until apprentice age, and MUST REMAIN IN CAMP UNTIL APPRENTICE AGE. Apprentices cannot beat a fully skilled warrior, or learn hunting instantly. Warriors must obey size rules. NO ONE IS THE BEST AT ANYTHING! You cannot see all, hear all, smell all, and know all. [OOCly you can, but this applies for IC]

10: You must ask to go on other territories! You must ask a leader to RP or OOCly tour the map! Only cats in the Endless Wanderers group can travel all territories. They must still ask permission to go in camps, unless OOCly doing MOD duties.

11: Queens must stay pregnant for 2 real life days. Kits must stay kits [upon birth/ entry to the group] 2-4 real life days. Apprentices must stay apprentices for 4-7 days.

12: Any mentoring cats must DO THEIR JOBS! Anyone not doing their mentoring jobs will get an automatic strike, and will be relieved of their apprentice.

13: You must be active. We get that life comes first, but please try to warn us of any absences. 2 days of absence without excuse will result in a kick from the group. If you come back, you might be re-added.

14:No, and I mean NO, Godmodding or powerplaying! You are not a Jesus cat!. You cannot heal automatically, you can't bring others back to life. You cannot miss EVERY attack! You cannot AUTO PIN, I should see no auto attacks. [Example: <Joker> Leaps and pins the warrior down, and bites neck hard to rip up the flesh and suffocate.] If I see anything like that, be prepared for an angry Admin. [Seeing this may get you an automatic kick from the group]

15: Killing rules! All members are to ask to kill someone! However! The Tribe Leader or Endless Wanderers may kill you if you provoke them or break rules! Usually if you provoke/taunt, they will warn you OOCly. If they do and you don't stop then they CAN kill you. You control the character, there is no excuse for rude behavior!

16: Please don't make your own Plot! Please try to stick to the main plot as much as possible. This goes for drama. Please NO DRAMA! A little is okay, but please don't loathe on the ghost of your past. Just about everyone has a sad or memorable past. Don't be an attention hoarder. [This may result in a strike]

17: Please don't ask for high roles. Those are to be auditioned for, or are closed off to VIP [AKA Endless Wanderer group] Focus on the role play. Regardless of role, we need you!

18: The map is for all DO NOT CLAIM ANY PART OF THE MAP! Not even a bush! You must ask permission to claim certain things. This rule is set to be fair to all members!

!How to join!

You must read the rules before entering. I am normally in game most of the day, so, I would like for you to contact one of these people in game in order to get into the roleplay.
You must send us a RP sample and wait for us to

Tambourine: Smoke : Tribe Of the Sacred Caverns
LiptonTea: Hawkstar : Breezeclan
courtneyrc: Dapplestar : Leafclan

!The Groups Territories!


The Tribe

[ The Sacred Paths Belongs to the creators. Tambourine, Owly, and Crin ]
Icon by AkumiIrako on dA <3