Author Topic: A few useful and very much wanted ideas  (Read 2924 times)

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A few useful and very much wanted ideas
« on: July 29, 2012, 12:55:16 am »
Make it so you have to put the map in a separate folder for each map. These foulders would be in exports but I think this idea would be better than the usual copy and paste several maps into exports. It would be better than having completely different maps overwrite each other which resolves into a map eventually losing too many files. At least do it like you did with the my_presets thing where there's at least 12 different folders so we can put each map in each folder, or something similar.

Make it so we can see the items by name not number. It's suverely annoying when I'm trying to comment on someones item and they have something like a necklace or dragon instead of a hawk or keyblade. You did it with the markings somehow, why not do it with the items so it's we either see the right item or we see nothing. This ones a large pet peeve of mine but not as much as the maps.

Give us more to do than just chat. I'm not meaning combat or prey, I'm talking about events or quests like you see if you play any other multi-player game. I think this would get a lot more members if Feral-heart had a story to it or have stuff to do. Give us NPC characters to shop or take missions from, is that too much to ask. And if they did bring back the PVP, PVE, PK that kind of stuff impressive title once had, I'd have to suggest levels and special abilities to earn at each level. I'm mostly getting these ideas from playing Fiesta by Outspark and Perfect World International.

Make it so we preset INGAME! I think we could all agree on this. I got this idea when making a Ciel preset. There was sections underarm where I didn't know how to fix. If we color on the model ITSELF and then when we're done pick the fur texture from a list, it would encourage more people to make presets because of how easy it is. It would also help for those who want to make two-sided presets but don't know how.

A few map things Seriously got this idea off zoo tycoon 2. Instead of having to make the maps in gimp or photoshop, have us use some kind of brush or tool that raises and lowers terrains, create ponds, paint the textures onto the land, dry up water, you get it. And in the end, we'd place the items and portal where we want. Seriously, look at zoo tycoon 2 or something and see what I mean. Also, make it so when we're putting in walls or fences, we don't have to select item and line it up repeatedly, make it so we just have to select item, click on an area of terrain, drag the mouse, and click again to have the new wall.

Introduce the Ursa species. This is supposed to be a semi-realistic land carnivore game that stars Canines and Felines, Why not bears? They fall perfectly in the category, having each trait the two species share to keep this game a carnivore-themed semi-realistic land-animal game. It would also encourage members to widen their variety from just canines and felines and help with those people who roleplay seekers bears. The only downside is it's harder to make a domestic creature out of them but since the sound effects were a roar and howl, not a meow or bark, I don't think the game was aiming that direction. Seriously, give me one reason why there's no ursa's in the game.

A folder for saved videos. There's a screenshot folder, why not a video folder? Make it so the video producer thing in the tools menu would be able to have us save our videos in a folder when it's finished like the scheenshots are. Also, pretty much the same when ingame in the actual multi-player server or something, have there be a save option in the video in the video producer thing that's in the list of icons at the bottom of the page. It would make things MUCH easier and knock off the 'WHERE'S MY VIDEOS!?!?!' pm spam.

Creating items/meshes ingame. Instead of using blender, which wont work for e somehow, make it so we can create meshes and items in the game and even texture them ingame like the preset method I told you of. You start out with a little clay ball and shape it into whatever, then choose if it will be a weapon or item. If an item, drag it to where on the character for both canines and felines (And ursa's if they allow them soon) you want it to be located. It would require a brush and size of brush changer for pulling bits of the item out, making grooves, exc.~ And I'd be supporting if the items/meshes could be animated like the giraffe would turn it's head or the horse would kick the ground, you get it.

More sound effects and actions. It would be nice to have more realistic stuff to help get the characters expression across like a whimper or growl. And as someone mentioned before, a tail flick option or laugh would be nice. Seriously, why not start by taking the actions from IT and using them to start off. It would help in roleplay for characters to see other characters do it instead of just type it and would be great for videos. And we know everyone's been asking for it, why not some cat sound affects and actions for the warriors roleplayers.
(Will add more when I think of more)

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Re: A few useful and very much wanted ideas
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2012, 01:19:24 am »
Great idea's and alot of thought put into it. However this is way out of feralheart's reach. And even if Fh were capable of these kind of things Kov probably wouldn't be bothered to put that much work into the game.
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Re: A few useful and very much wanted ideas
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2012, 01:23:57 am »
Few good ideas~ I know Red was looking into the Item one so that all may see eachothers items~ again it all comes down to Kov as well.

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Re: A few useful and very much wanted ideas
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2012, 05:41:41 am »
==The I love the 'items by name' idea. Not seeing someone's proper items has always frustrated me. I see people wearing a thanator headdress and I make a comment on how awesome they look, only to have them say, "What headdress? I have a keyblade." Ehhhh...-_-; Yeah, items should be like presets.

==I like your idea of missions or minigames instead of hunting or combat (though hunting and combat would be fun too). What would you suggest, though?

==Making presets in-game would certainly be a lot easier than having to open up a program and all those different textures. And there are some people who can't afford Photoshop and who haven't heard of free programs like GIMP and, so they  wouldn't be able to make presets at all. In-game preset maker would give them a chance they otherwise wouldn't have.

==The Zoo Tycoon-inspired map-maker sounds like a lot of fun (I'd probably start making maps if it worked that way), but it sounds like a lot of advanced coding. It's not that I don't think Kov could do it. I just don't think Kov would want to do it.

==It would almost be like Christmas came early if we could get a new species model, and I think bears are perfect for FH.

==I personally don't make videos, but I can see why people would want a folder for them. I take screenshots all the time and I love how they automatically save to a folder where I know I can find them.

==Like making presets in-game, making items would certainly be a lot easier, though I will say again, it may take some advanced coding and I'm not so sure Kov would want to put in that kind of effort.

==If new sounds and actions could be brought over from IT into FH, I don't see why FH shouldn't have more sounds and emotes.

Anyway, good ideas you got here. I really hope some of the higher-ups take these into serious consideration.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 08:02:56 pm by Abomine »

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Re: A few useful and very much wanted ideas
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2012, 09:16:17 am »
Great Ideas! Got me thinking in a different manner than that of I usually do. Never thought of 99.9% of these. Terrific, just terrific :)

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Re: A few useful and very much wanted ideas
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2012, 12:39:35 pm »
make it so we can create meshes and items in the game.

I really noticed this part stood out. You can create meshes in-game. Why do I say that? because you can meshes out of the meshes in-game, it just wouldn't be the way you'd like it though, using basic shapes you can create meshes. However you're referring to create meshes from scratch by hand. This could be possible, but it depends on what you mean. I can see being able to make meshes in-game with basic shapes such as Squares, Circles, etc being easier to be in-game, but wouldn't it be like Google Sketchup? Because meshes are 3D so there would have to be all types of tools like in Google Sketchup. I don't know if this is needed, but sure there could be a easier way to tell which meshes you have, without having to check and so-on.

Items being made in-game would bring a whole new tab in the tab section, in which I'd agree most here. I've tried to line up items manually, it's not easy. The co-ordinates are always off whenever I try (Most Likely my fault) to edit them & how can you tell its exact co-ordinates? With an Item creator/editor in-game it would be very easy to match up the co-ordinates easier & you could even tell which bone to go to, for which model & so on. Wish It was in-game.

About the videos. The movie maker in FeralHeart does need to be finished. This would be very useful for roleplays & MVs. You'd be able to edit it in-game without having to start recording & stop recording over and over. It would be a video editing tool in FeralHeart.

Yes it should have a map terrain maker in-game. That way you could see what you're doing to the land while you're doing it in live-time. About the portal, you know how you can move the gates (portal) easily, well the portal to CODW inside your map should be easy to move like that, because entering numbers is slightly harder. About the folders of maps, yes this should be created, because it gets hard telling which maps is which when you're a busy map-maker, you could even organize your maps by what is,etc.

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Re: A few useful and very much wanted ideas
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2012, 03:49:03 pm »
Great ideas; I especially like the thought of organizing items so that we can actually see what other players are equipping. It's just weird to see a standard red-and-black evil demon with a rainbow tie.

The only issue I have is with the colour-your-presets-in-game thing. I'm all for it if you can still have the option to make them in Photoshop, etc. I say this because, while in-game colouring is usually great if you only want hard-edged, not-too-specific markings (I do agree that the UVs, particularly around the underbelly and wolf heads, are kind of a pain), it would make shading, blending, and detail incredibly difficult.