Author Topic: Skyrim Roleplay  (Read 2629 times)

Offline RazielTheFallen

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Skyrim Roleplay
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:03:41 pm »
Yes you have read right.This is a Skyrim rp.

Some people might find it totally stupid to try to rp anything else then canins and felins on fh since its a wolf and lion game but i beet out there are many people that would like to let ther fantasy run a little wilder and let it stray from the generic and mainstream Pack/Pride and clan rps.

Anyways the rp will keep close to the lore and historic facts and details of the Elder Scrools series and especialy Skyrim.It will have the same races as the original (Nord,Impirials,Dark Elves,Wood Elves,High Elves,Bretonians,Khajit,Argonians,Orks,Rotwardones(dunno if the spellings right XD).We also keep the three basic classes of skyrim through we will keep them a bit closer borderd from eachother while in the game the borders between the classes tends to vanish.On the start each player may choose to be Thief,Warrior or Mage while the classes will split up into 2 to 3 higher tier choises of wich mostly atlast one is a mix class with one of the others.(example: Basic class:Thief- higher tier choises:1-Assassine(High tier pure thief class with a high priority on dealing explosiv damage and staying out of sight with the natural skills) 2- Shadow(Thief with magic abilitys that mainly involv things like Invisibility,Night vision,Search life and other things that make it easyer to stay out of sight and to dodge and fool the enemies) 3-Ranger (Thief and warrior mix mainly skilled on using bows but despite the other classes that mainly stick to bow and dagger this class tends to pick up a sword and somtimes even light shields in close combat.Thay also gain the ability to call upon an animal guardien to back them up,these guardiens can varie from wolfs to giant spiders,over bears till by veary expirienced rangers even Trolls)
The rp is ploted and builds up on the story of the game but plays a couple of years after the rebelion around Ulfric that has anded in ouer story ark with the death of the traitor Ulfric through the Dovahkin and afterwards the Dovahkin drives the Impirials and Thalmor back and declares the independence of Skyrim as an suffrain Kingdom.After restoring the pea ce inside the new kingdom and securing the borders the dovahkin seatlled onto the peak off the worlds throat and from then on he isent seen but he still rules his kingdom as a wise and mercifull monarch that had managed to gain the trust of most man in the land.Severel years have passed since the Dovahkin had withdrawn onto the worlds throat and by now Skyrim is prosperse and thriefs.Soon the sattlements grown and new place to sattle down was searched and due to that the wise king has sent off expiditions into far away and undiscoverd lands to expand his kingdom away from the Empire.

The group will at the start be one of these expiditions that set off into the unknown to tame a stratch of land and to explore new and foraign terretories.Thay came to a thick and overgrown forest land that bored close to the seea but is also involving planes to build citys and vilages and to farm crops.Soon the new colonie began to grow and more and more people followed.Between them also traveld darker and more sinister individuals...The drak brotherhood sensing that the assassines guild would be needed there soon.And wherever people geather and trade there are thiefs not far and so followed the thiefs guild aswell.As thay started to stir up truble there where the Companions coming to bring justice and protaction to the people and shortly after thay where joined by the Mage guild to protact them even further while the mages desired to learn new things in this unfamiliar land.   And all this happend without them noticing that the lands wherent as empty as thay thought...and soon the Hunt will embark....and the hunting dogs will be unleashed to claim the land back and to feast upon these new pray.......

If these little conclusion made you guys curiouse and maybe woken your desire to join then send me a massage,i can also include further details into my replie on your massage if you desire to get to know more about the rp :3 with friendly regards RazielTheFallen :3
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 06:06:17 pm by Erick »

Offline Afterparty

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Re: Skyrim Roleplay
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2012, 01:17:58 am »
Seems like an awesome rp, and I also love skyrim. I may join this Rp, if you decide to show how to sign up. My favorite character would be a Kahjiit. So, message me back with details, please? :D
Ingame user: Jade1 (CAPS on the J. :3)
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Offline RazielTheFallen

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Re: Skyrim Roleplay
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2012, 05:53:05 pm »
Well its quite easy to join,just give me an rp sample(dont forget to act as humanoid chara and pay attantion to the gnerel mood in skyrim in it).And if you have questions just fire away,i answer almost everything axapt questions concerning the secreat faction that is inhabitating the land from the start.Thay will be a little special for everyone to discover in the rp itself.

Offline Afterparty

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Re: Skyrim Roleplay
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2012, 08:38:30 pm »
Ah, Okay. I shall use my knowledge of skyrim, and fire away! Rp sample: I walked through a forest, and spotted a wolf running towards me. I grab my Ebony greatsword and swing, damaging it badly. I swing again, and end up smashing the blade against it's skull. I watch as it bleeds internally, search it, but only to find it's pelt. I keep moving, when I hear a screech overhead. ~End Of Rp sample.~ (Slight violence and gore, I know. XD)
My character's name: Shade
Species: Kahjiit
Gender: Female
Skills: Stealing, Killing, Pickpocketing.
Favorite weapon: Ebony Greatsword. (I actually have it in-game.)
Armor: Ebony Armor. (Since I'm level 27, it makes sense in-game. But what armor/ weapon/level should I start out with? XD)
Level: 27? (That's what I am in-game, like I said before.)
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Offline RazielTheFallen

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Re: Skyrim Roleplay
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2012, 03:59:37 pm »
Hm all in all your rp sample is ok through you should try to stick more to realistic.Like if you want a wolfs pelt you dont search it XD You should put it like "I drew my hunting knife and kneed down to lighten the dead body of its pelt.It was a nice pelt wich would bring me quite a summ in the next village." Somthing along that and also try to be more detailed in general.And about the starting gear well it comes to your choise of skill.Since you seem to be warrior class chara you can basicly start out with an iron armor or any other low class armor.For thiefs thay can have any kind of leather or pelt armor and mages can use magic robes or normal clothes for the start.And about waponary i supose iron great sword if you preffer two handed  wapons.

Offline Afterparty

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Re: Skyrim Roleplay
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 05:13:22 am »
Ah.... I haven't played Skyrim for about a few weeks, so I can't remember much. That would be fine, and believe me, i'll be lockpicking/pickpocketing quite a bit. XD
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