Author Topic: Bango's Bio  (Read 1273 times)


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Bango's Bio
« on: August 16, 2012, 12:30:37 pm »
Hi there! Bango here :D
And one of the common misconceptions on here is that I'm a guy..sorry folks, I am indeed a girl xD

All of my rp characters are guys though so I must play them very well! x3
I've been alive on this planet for 18 years and I come from the beautiful, wet, cold country that is England, and I'm very proud to be British!
I adore all things to with nature and I'm a strong believer in the power of mother nature ?
I love all animals, especially wolves, foxes, deer and marine animals and I'm a complete potter head x3
My main character on here is of course Bango, your friendly neighbourhood fox! Whom I role-play most of the time.
I also have a deviantart for anyone who is interested, my username is TheWolfWithinMe so feel free to drop by and say Bonjour!
I love talking to anyone on here so say hi if you see me I won't bite too hard ;)

Offline Wolf_Memories

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Re: Bango's Bio
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 03:40:47 am »
*Smiles Warmly*

British <3 (: You are quite pretty, m'dear! I adore the hair :o!

*High Paws Everywhere* We girls, seem to be better at role-playing as guys, then guys do... xD!!

I look forward to seeing you around on the maps, dear! :D I'd love to come up and nom on thy foxy tail :o

Power Of Nature <333
