Author Topic: I wonder o3o  (Read 2018 times)


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Re: I wonder o3o
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2012, 07:20:55 am »
I'm an only child, though I do have these two cousins; they're twins, they're ten, about to turn twelve in September, and come in about once every month for four or five days.

To make things simple, they're the most annoying things on this planet to me

I think they're both just the pratical definition of 'immature', or 'rude', as they do things I would never do at their age, and they're a simple one year behind me.
They run around outside screaming nonsense, they're ridiculously loud in the house, they're always playing video games with the volume up as loud as possible, as if they have no time for books.
The worst thing I'd have to say though, is when they interfere with my sleeping schedule =w=.
I always lose alot of it when they come, apparantly they only need about 'six' hours of it, while I'm on twelve. They always wake me up and pester me to do quite ridiculous things >_<

But, maybe this is just me that's be annoying, maybe I'm 'too mature', or simply 'a borinh person'. That thought can't leave my head. .O.