Author Topic: Non Feralheart and Feralheart Characters  (Read 1976 times)

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Non Feralheart and Feralheart Characters
« on: September 23, 2012, 12:52:53 pm »
For form roleplays I use the same two characters, May and Asher, and just change them a bit to fit the plot. However if I play and vampire or werewolf roleplay May and Asher would not be in it. I would use Leon, Max and Thomas. My animals are Arvi, Avast, Grey, Falcon and Flair.



May is a short tempered female gifted. She is able to change into any forme at any time. She likes to change into other people and mock them. She is coldhearted and will do her best to learn all the people around her biggest fear so she can have a little fun.
May wasn't always like this. She once had a father, mother and little brother who she loved more then anything in the world. But May's world was destroyed by hunters, who would let no one get in their way from catching a gifted. All three of them were killed but May manged to escape with a hand full of money and a photo.

I couldn't find a real person that looked like him so I had to pick this cartoon one. I got no idea what movie it's from or if it's even from one.

The first words that may come to mind when meeting Asher is skittish, easliy startled, afraid, jumpy or something along those lines. Asher's past is the blame for it. His mother and him almost died when their boat sank, but his father wasn't too lucky. While reading a book his brother swam in what seemed safe a cove. But when a glanced out his brother wasn't in sight. A shark had gotten him. A year later a drunken badman started shooting randomly in the streets, his mother was shot and killed that day.


(He's got yellowish eyes)
Leon is a 'young' vampire. He is a outcast because of his best friend being a werewolf. It doesn't bother them however. He's not a person who likes to be in a crowd. He rather be alone or in small groups. He only speaks when he has too and when he does it's vary little. But being with a hyperactive, talkative werewolf makes him have to talk more then normal.


Think of this boy being 16.

Talkive, loud, ignorant, that's Thomas. How be became friends with Leon will be unknown forever. He is such a new werewolf he hasn't even learned out to change or seen another werewolf.


I don't have anything on Max. He's a hunter, what he hunts changes depending on the plot. He was first made to be a vampire hunter.



Avri is a male eevee and is also one of the talking pokemon(Like meowth) but he isn't talkative. He is a trickly pokemon that is hard to catch. But if a trainer a kind enough to him he'll open up and become a very loyal pokemon.


Oooooo! It's a Absol named Absol! Great name huh? I don't know how this young pokemon acts just yet, I haven't used him yet.


What a wise little guy he is, a born leader. But, he has no one to lead. He's on his own.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 01:52:27 pm by Carly »
"I'm a kitchen sink, you don't know what that means. Because a kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me, okay?"
Snow Shoe
Drawn by Aviru