Author Topic: ~Dinix~WIP~  (Read 1304 times)

Offline BlackVortex

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« on: October 09, 2012, 12:24:03 am »
"They are demons... The offspring of the dead, they aim only to kill"

~We are the Dimix~

Our Story ~Dimix~
"The humans call us demons. And they are right. Very right."
 "We live in the volcanoes. Evolution has made it possible for us, giving us what we need to survive.

"Long ago, we were the Luner Dinix. We lived on the surface, in the mountains. We had a custom that drove us away... the giving of blood. The young wolves white spots were left bare, as they killed and ate there victims, there white spots dyed darker red. When they became red, they were allowed to kill something new...


We are cannibles, and proud for it.

For that, the men drove us away into the volcanoes..."

"That is all I will tell a new Dinix. Ask me later, when your markings are red..."

Our Story ~Luner Dinix~

"They are weak! To be driven... We will never! We will kill all who try!
We are the Luners!

Our customs are the same, for we are there ancestors. We are there parents.

But they are weak.

We will not break! We will fight!

We live in the mountains, avoiding volcanic areas.
They shame us, though we will live.

And they will die."

Our Story ~Soahn Dinix~

"We are the last....

The others were killed long ago

Diven by man, killed by pride.

We are the last.

They were demons....

We are the hope.

We are the light..."

FAQ... So you know before you read on

Lunar Is spelt wrong.
Nope, there not Lunar, there Luner. Pronounced Lu-hn-ER

Please No posting yet!
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 11:57:07 pm by BlackVortex »