Author Topic: Kora of SL  (Read 1306 times)

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Kora of SL
« on: October 17, 2012, 05:38:04 am »
This is a history of one of my characters from my other account...

December 12th, 2011

Kora opened her eyes and squinted against the dawn's rays that were streaking through the cave's entrance. Time to get up. She thought to herself with an inward groan. Sighing softly she got up and shook her fur, sparkling ice droplets falling off her pelt. She huffed and her breath was visible in the chilled morning air. Looking around her, she could see the rest of the SilverLight Pack was starting to get roused up for the day. "Glad to see you're up Kora." Said a voice behind her. Her mother, River, padded silently up to her. Kora always looked up to her mother, although she wasn't Alphess. Together River and Kora padded out of the den and stopped at the entrance. Her eyes adjusted to the rising light, and she looked around. The Arcalian Forest rose up around them on one side, and the Larais Mountains behind her. There was a small lake to her right that was frozen over in the freezing climate. Her paws sunk into the snow covered ground just as a chilled wind blew over across the lake, ruffling her fur. The pines swayed with the wind, scattering some of the snow that lay atop their branches. It looked like something out of a picture, the forest, with the lake, and the mountains at her back. "Kora, you need to get out of here." Her mother said, startling Kora with the urgency in her voice, along with the hidden sadness.

"What? No! Why should I leave the place I grew up in, my home?" She asked, unable to hide the shock and confusion in her voice and ice blue eyes. She looked closely at her mother. The light silver of her pelt, the shadows under her emerald gaze. Then she saw it, hidden away in her posture. "What did you do that would cause this kind of punishment?!" Despite the shock, she kept her voice low.

"It doesn't matter. Latish and Shadow left last night. I'm not sure where your brothers went, but I hope they are long gone by now. Please Kora, g-" River was cut off by a growl.

They both whirled, their matching silver pelts rippling in the morning sun's rays. Behind them stalked the Alpha, Ramatellis. The alpha was a large, ash gray colored Iberian Wolf with a piercing golden gaze. He was heavily muscled, yet he was as agile as a mountain cat, and as swift as a bird. In truth, he made a very menacing figure. Under his rule and his rule alone, the SilverLight Pack has never been interactive with anything, or anyone. Behind him, came the rest of the pack. Six warriors came up behind Kora and her mother.

"Alpha Ramatellis!" Called a voice. When Kora turned and looked, it was a small group of scouts and omegas. "The clearing is cleared of snow and ready." Said a small omega, whose head was bowed and was low to the ground with his tail between his legs.

"Perfect." Growled the alpha in his low and rough voice. He looked at River then at Kora. "Being the two to the clearing." He ordered.

Heart pounding and eyes wide, Kora turned to her mother, frightened. Her mother caught her eye and a meaning passed through them and then was cut off as three warriors surrounded her mother and...her father. "No!" She cried, but was silenced as two assassins went on either side of her and turned her towards the clearing. Ramatellis came to her side and said in her ear, "It's a shame that your brothers couldn't watch this. It would have taught them something." Then took the lead in front of her parents and escorts, the rest of the pack following behind them.

They entered the clearing as a large group and the assassins on either side of Kora moved her forward towards the center of the small space. The trio stopped and stood guard on either side of her, as the Alpha and her parents and their guards padded silently over the grass and into the center of the clearing. The pack made a circle around the lot of them and howled low, a sound that sounded to Kora, a song of death and mourning. It didn't help her that the sky had darkened as storm clouds gathered over-head and a light rain started. As the song ended, Ramatellis started speaking. "Arekalies and River, Warriors of the SilverLight Pack. You both have disappointed me and this pack. Your crimes are as such: Arekalies, you dared rise up against me and tried to become the new alpha of this pack. I've lead this pack for two years and you and your mate wish for a different leader. Why, may I ask, do you want to become leader?" When her father remained silent he turned to River, and when she too remained silent, he spoke on. "Very well. You had your chance. These crimes are punishable by death and death shall recieve two more damned souls. Assassins."

The two assassins at Kora's side got easily to their paws and padded the few yards to the center and turned to her parents. The six warriors guarding Arekalies and River swiftly knocked them down and pinned them to the ground. The cherry blossom in the center of the clearing swayed and it's pedals blew across the scene as the lightning flashed over-head. "Kill them!" Rose above the thunder and claws flashed.

"Now Kora, would you like to follow your parents or stay with me?" Called a voice that rose up a sudden, furious anger inside Kora and she got to her paws and lifted her head to meet the alpha's gaze with her own.

"Why do you think they rose up against you? This is the reason why. We've cowered under your rule for too long Ramatellis. But no more. These wolves are only loyal to you because they fear you. My parents hoped that if they could show that we've had enough of living in fear, the rest of the pack would follow. But they didn't. Now I'm speaking up and hear my voice now." She paused and glanced around her before continuing on. Lightning struck over-head again, illuminating her pelt and the river of blood that washed downhill. "You say you have claim to being alpha. There are only two ways to being alpha. That is if you are chosen leader or if you've killed the previous leader. I personally saw you kill the former alpha when I was but a pup. But now I ask you, what have you done for this pack?" She glared at him, her ice blue eyes seemed piercing and like daggers. She continued on without waiting for an answer. "You've done nothing! Nothing! So why shouldn't we rise up against you? The only thing you've given us, is fear and pain." She stopped, over-come with anger and sorrow. It turned out, she didn't have to say any more, for she heard the agreeing murmurs of all the wolves around her. Multiple wolves moved forward, and surrounded Ramatellis. "You are no longer welcomed here Ramatellis. You are no longer Alpha. The entire pack has voted against you. You have the option to leave the Arcalian Forest or die." She finished her speech as the wolves around her convulsed on the former alpha. It turned out he didn't get a choice, and death was his fate. Howls sounded through the air and then there was silence other than the rumbling thunder.

Kora turned around and padded over to her parents bodies. She bent her head and silent tears rolled down her face. The pink pedals blew around her and the lightning struck above her, accompanied by rolling thunder. Her silver pelt glistened with water droplets from the rain, chilling her to the bone. Sighing, she turned around and was about to pad back to the cave, when she caught her breath at a sight she never thought she'd see.

The entire pack, in a semi-circle around her, all bowing their heads in respect. Their voices rose above the thunder as one, "The pack of SilverLight has chosen. Kora, daughter of River and Arekalies, you are the new Alphess of SilverLight!"
« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 05:41:30 am by ~Ferrin~ »