Author Topic: -Caller-  (Read 1345 times)

Offline Hunt

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« on: December 11, 2012, 02:30:13 pm »

Species:Wolf Dog (Three parts wolf, the last part mutt.)
Family:None Living
Pack:Illusive, Juniper, Jesamay, and Kani.
Personality: Caller is a head strong brute, kind hearted, but easy to anger.
 Though most times he can simply suppress this anger, when pushed he will
 lash out at those not in his pack, or that he does not consider a friend. He is
loyal, and despite whatever might be going on between him and his pack
members he will willingly give his life to protect them.
Story: Caller's mother was a wolf dog, a half breed. However when her
master died in battle against the Bani she was cast out, into the wild. It was
 there she met Caller's father, she was found hunting, or attempting to, on
his land. She was tested, attacked by the pack, but after they saw she still
retained her primal drive, and she was not utterly tamed, they accepted her
 into the pack. Caller was born into this pack, he grew as large as any wolf,
larger then some due to his father's size, however retained his mother's
markings. He fights with the cunning of a wolf, however he can think as a dog
 when needed. Caller stayed in his pack growing up, once he had reached
adulthood he had risen in the ranks of his pack, despite the traces of dog in his
 blood he was respected, due to his size and strength. Eventually his pack was
attacked, killed for sport by the humans. Caller however proved to difficult for
them to kill, so they eventually left him be, but not before taking his entire pack
 to their graves. Caller moved to Ruin Town, he hated living so close to the
 humans, however he knew he stood little chance in the wild, alone. He found
an abandoned house, and made it his home. While out scavenging for food
 one day he ran into Illusive, he was not quick to trust her, but she continued
to press him until he did so. She became his friend quickly, being the easy
going wolf she was. A few nights after they had found a little pup roaming the
streets, she had come to them during one of their meals, obviously hungry, they
 fed her and decided that she was far too young to be traveling on her own,
 so she let the pup join them in their travels. Later that eve Caller found
 Jesamay lurking nearby, she had caught the scent of their food and was
planning on stealing some for herself. Once Caller new of her intentions he
let her have the scraps, since he and the others were finished anyway, in a
gesture of good will. He offered for her to join them tomorrow, in a planned
hunt. The fae agreed, still weary of Caller and his companions, however in
time they grew closer together. They saw another stray running around the
town, Caller attempted to speak with her, but she ran away, after a while
he found her again. They spoke for a while, and she ended up joining the
four. The house soon became cramped for the five of them, so Caller went
out to search for a new home. He found a cave, nxt to a shrine of some
sort, amazed by it's beauty he decided this would be their new home. He
had to fight off it's current occupant, a knight of some sort, but after doing
so he and the others moved in. Since then they have been irritated by a
 loner that had lived in the forest near them, a full wolf. After his taunting
continued Caller finally fought with him, defeating him in battle, however
 Illiusive was being attacked by a few other wolves, so he had to cut the
battle short, leaving Whisk wounded, and defeated, but not dead.
 (More to come as the RP progresses.)
This is my character in a roleplay I started the other day... I did not expect it to, but it has grown rather large, at least compared to my other attempts. It is a medieval street dog RP taking place in my map, Medieval Towns, which is posted on the forums. Most of my bio was roleplayed, however some of it was not.
<--The Hunt-->

Life is the great hunt. We are both hunted and
hunters, hunting and being hunted for love, life, and

Offline OfficialSwifty

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Re: -Caller-
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2012, 03:25:46 pm »
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 03:29:30 pm by Axraiel »

Offline Shally

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Re: -Caller-
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2012, 05:20:23 pm »
A beautiful character :3 And a very well made bio!

+floof for your good work~

Cheers~ // Shallow

Offline Hunt

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Re: -Caller-
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2012, 10:03:16 pm »
Thank you both ^^ I'm glad that you liked the character, and I do try to give as much info as possible, however at times I simply can't come up with anything extra :P
<--The Hunt-->

Life is the great hunt. We are both hunted and
hunters, hunting and being hunted for love, life, and