Author Topic: Christmas clothes and presents!  (Read 907 times)


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Christmas clothes and presents!
« on: December 25, 2012, 05:57:43 pm »
Okay so here is my Christmas pajamas lol, the shirt is, of course, a skull and cross bones and I'm wearing a Santa hat because the pants have the same design but with Santa hats on them. My socks are skulls of white and red!

Yes my images are taken on the computer because I'm too lazy to use a camera lol

And MY favorite present is my Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit ring! :D I forgot what it was called, since most just called it The Ring, but it has the Elfen language on it and Frodo had to throw it into the fires of Mount Doom, so ya, all of you fans should know what I'm talking about. I'm also going to go see The Hobbit in a week or so, can't wait! Idk if you can see it, but I'm wearing it in the photo.

So, now that I'm good lol, why don't you all talk about your Christmas presents or maybe what your meaning of Christmas is, anything really relating to Christmas lol, even if your religion is different, I won't judge! :)