Author Topic: Spirits of Ficho  (Read 1713 times)

Offline blueroseknight95

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Spirits of Ficho
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:24:45 pm »
In the winds of the world, long forgotten words whisper from the shadows...
Long lost words whisper slowly as they haunt those who either destroyed their body, but never their soul;
Or even those they once loved, singing a lullaby of "I miss you"s...
Though the body is long forgotten, the soul is still active.
We spirits have names...
Call our names, before we forget who we were...
And who we are...
Save us from the dark...

You. You are one of us.
What brings you to this damp tunnel?
What is it that you seek...?
Better yet... who are you...?

In-game Username:
Type: ((what kind of ghost are you? Trapped, angel, etc.))
Companion: ((if any))
Bio: ((How did you die?))
Looking For:
Sorry for my absence. I've been dealing with� ex boyfriend problems�

Offline katyekitty

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Re: Spirits of Ficho
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2013, 09:54:03 pm »
Name: Sameth
In-game Username: katyekitty
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Wolf Years
Animal: Wolf
Type: Angel
Companion: A midnight black raven of whom she calls Raven.
Personality: Serene, Gentle, Stubborn, Protective.
Bio: Sameth was a powerful warrior amongst a mighty pack. As a young apprentice, her family and most of her pack perished of a sickness that no herbs could cure, including her sister Sarin, the closest canine she had ever grown to love. She spent her life fighting for and protecting her pack, the ache in her heart growing stronger with each passing day that her sister had died. One day a bear attacked the pup's den, and Sameth bravely fought it off at the cost of her own life, to provide time for the other warriors to rescue the small pups.
Looking For: Her long lost sister, Sarin.
Description: Pure white with a single black ring around the center of her tail. Rather small.
Sample: The fae padded through the eerie tunnels at a leisurely pace, her head low and ears laid back, deep in thought. Her rather fluffy tail bounced and glided across the cool stone, her optics glazed and unfocused. A sort of glow radiated from her pure white pelt, bouncing off of her in waves of light. Though normally a clattering of nails to rock would be heard, no sound eminated from the small being as she made her way through the silence of the tunnel. She halted suddenly as a fluttering of wings exploded from around the corner's bend, and a black streak shot through the air towards the lumiscent wolf. It glided to a stop and landed gracefully on the ground before her, it's black beady eyes watching Sameth curiously. Ears perked and silver eyes flashing, she huffed once at the bird. "It's about time you showed up, Raven." She teased. In response the creature cawed once and bounced to the wolf, nuzzling her paw with it's sharp beak affectionately. She smiled down at her only friend. "Have you seen Sarin on your little adventure?" She asked almost impulsively. Raven cawed a low, soft tone, and Sameth dipped her head, a sigh escaping her muzzle. "Onward then." She began to pad once more down the endless tunnel, the ever faithful Raven perched to her shoulder.

Offline blueroseknight95

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Re: Spirits of Ficho
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 01:55:39 am »
Sorry for my absence. I've been dealing with� ex boyfriend problems�