Author Topic: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?  (Read 6122 times)

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2013, 01:36:05 am »
After reading all of these comments, it has left me asking one question.... "What are these so-called "literate" roleplayers trying to prove?" and I'm asking these self-proclaimed literate roleplayers who take the time to harshly judge/criticize/bash other people's roleplaying skills and typo errors.
What I mean is, are they trying to make some kind of impression? And if so, to whom? Us? The guy next to them? The world? To the player who points out that there is something wrong with my RP skills and says that theirs is better..."Should I be impressed?" I would be impressed if you weren't bashing me for my mistakes.

I have another example story to share regarding this topic.
One time I was at stone bridge advertising and recruiting new members into my warrior RP. All the advertising I was doing on General was really paying off. I got many whispers from many different people, asking me all kinds of questions about the RP or asking to join! I was trying to keep up with all these whisper messages and answer so many other questions in local. Suddenly, one random warrior cat who was seeking a literate RP typed out a very long 3 sentence introduction toward my character. I can't remember what he said, but it went something like this...
Warrior Cat: -The tom sat himself on the stone, with his tail curled around his legs. He looked up at the group of clan cats that was forming infront of him. He spotted the leader and spoke up. "Hello there, good sir" he mewed "Having a lovely evening, are we?"  
PharaohStar: -He turned his head to the tom cat "Greetings," he mewed-
Warrior Cat: (Really? Greetings is all you have to say? This RP of your isn't even close to being literate if all you can type is one sentence. How pathetic. I'm out of here... sheesh! -.-)
PharaohStar: -_-
Then one of the cats said to me in group chat: Don't mind him, he's just really picky about RPs. I know that guy, he is one of my friends.
You don't say? Was I supposed to be impressed by that big, long introduction he gave me? So he can type some nicely written sentences... big whoopie. -_- That didn't give him the right to go bashing me and the group like that. I would have typed a longer greeting sentence back at him, BUT I was really busy answering 4 whispers all at once, sending out invites, and taking care of other business. Besides that, typing 3-4 long sentences for an introduction takes up WAY too much time, especially when you have your hands full with other stuff.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 01:37:47 am by LadyAlizarin »


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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2013, 04:56:29 pm »
i think the issue here is not even just a problem that stems to just roleplay but in all the entire community. the fact is even if you don't use perfect grammar and capitalization in out of character chat people automatically assume you're unintelligent or seven.

in response to what a few of the users said on the second page, it's not "literates" being the bad guys. its users being the bad guys. i'm a perfectly literate roleplayer, however more often than not i see people turned down and straight out rudely rejected from a group because of the way they type.

the other day while i was recruiting for my roleplay, a lioness cub named "sophie f" (just like it was) and started asking me about my group. her typing was typo filled and she had a tendency of forgetting basic grammar structures.  it was then another user whispered me and said: "Wow, I can't believe you let illiterates into your RP x3 "

this angered me for a few reasons, basically because this user was judging the cublet who was honestly curious and willing to try to join a roleplay, and secondly because they were making assumptions about my own standards and criticizing them.

i told her what i did with my group was my own business and not hers, and that it would be best for her to keep it that way.

users have just become rude to one another, plain and simple, when it comes to the "literate vs illiterate" deal. not only are they saying this things when recruiting, but even plainly in general chat.


"There are so many noobs down at SB right now".

it goes on and on. recently i hopped on a character with my name not capitalized, just to see how people would treat my character. While the majority of most of my encounters were users rejecting my lion out front because i wasn't capitalizing my i's and crossing my t's, there /were/ the cases of people who allowed them in, literate people.

so its not all literates are bad, no, its there are the mix of both "literate" and "illiterate" that are becoming so hostile towards one another that roleplaying is becoming something hard to do or even hard to find where its a welcoming thing and only because of the "ideas" that circulate through this community based on how users present themselves

« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 04:37:15 pm by CloudFish »


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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2013, 07:23:18 am »
Actually, yes. This has happened to me, but in the opposing way.

"Robin padded over to the pond, her paws leaving small prints upon the grass. She sat upon the pond's edge and gazed up at the sky, sky darkened hue speckled with dots..."

Player: Uh, hey. Grammar Nazi. Why do you do this?
Me: I'm sorry, you want me to do chat-speak?
Player: No, I mean. You're going overboard.
Me: Well I think it's appropriate. -.- *leaves abruptly*

There is no middle ground with some people.